Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
American History High School
Monday – Global Politics and Economics. Class will review and discuss pages 858 to 862 in the textbook. Students will actively listen, participate in class discussion, and answer guided reading questions.
Homework: The Bush & Obama Presidencies. Students will read pages 863 to 870 in the textbook.
Tuesday – The Bush & Obama Presidencies. Class will review and discuss pages 863 to 870 in the textbook. Students will actively listen, participate in class discussion, and answer guided reading questions.
Homework: Americans Look to the Future. Students will read pages 871 to 875 in the textbook.
Wednesday – Americans Look to the Future. Class will review and discuss pages 871 to 875 in the textbook. Students will actively listen, participate in class discussion, and answer guided reading questions.
Thursday – Chapter 26 Test. Test on Chapter 26 in the textbook.
Friday – Vocabulary Review Worksheet #9. Students will complete vocabulary review worksheet using their vocabulary lists. Students will spend any remaining time quizzing each other on the vocabulary terms.
World History High School
Monday – The British Empire in the Postwar Era. Class will read and discuss pages 758 to 761 in the textbook. Students will actively listen, participate in class discussion, and answer guided reading questions.
Homework: Turkey, Persia, & Africa and Unrest in China. Students will read pages 762 to 769 in the textbook.
Tuesday – Turkey, Persia, & Africa and Unrest in China. Class will read and discuss pages 762 to 769 in the textbook. Students will actively listen, participate in class discussion, and answer guided reading questions.
Homework: Imperialism in Japan. Students will read pages 770 to 773 in the textbook.
Wednesday – Imperialism in Japan. Class will read and discuss pages 770 to 773 in the textbook. Students will actively listen, participate in class discussion, and answer guided reading questions.
Homework: Latin American Between the Wars. Students will read pages 774 to 777 in the textbook.
Thursday – Latin American Between the Wars. Class will read and discuss pages 774 to 777 in the textbook. Students will actively listen, participate in class discussion, and answer guided reading questions.
Friday – The Interwar Period Test. Test on pages 734 to 737, 743 to 753, and 758 to 777.
English High School
Monday – A Christmas Carol. Class will read and discuss Chapter 5 of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Students will answer guided reading questions.
Tuesday – A Christmas Carol (Continued). Class will read and discuss Chapter 5 of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Students will answer guided reading questions.
Wednesday – A Christmas Carol Essay. “Charles Dickens wrote novels concerned with greed and corruption caused by wealth. In an 800-to-1200 word essay, explain how Dickens treats wealth in A Christmas Carol. Is it presented as a sign of moral corruption and greed or does Dickens present a more complex assessment? You must cite the actual text at least three times in order to back up your argument.”
Thursday – A Christmas Carol Essay (Continued). “Charles Dickens wrote novels concerned with green and corruption caused by wealth. In an 800-to-1200 word essay, explain how Dickens treats wealth in A Christmas Carol. Is it presented as a sign of moral corruption and greed or does Dickens present a more complex assessment? You must cite the actual text at least three times in order to back up your argument.”
Friday – A Christmas Carol Test. Test on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
American History Middle School
Monday – Westward Expansion Test. Test on pages 444 to 467 in the textbook.
Homework: Growing Tensions Over Slavery. Students will read pages 482 to 485 in the textbook. (Must be completed by Wednesday.)
Tuesday – Enrichment Activity. Some students will be B.E.S.T. testing for Math.
Wednesday – Growing Tensions Over Slavery. Class will read and discuss pages 482 to 485 in the textbook. Students will actively listen, participate in class discussion, and answer guided reading questions.
Homework: Compromises Fail. Students will read pages 486 to 491 in the textbook.
Thursday – Compromises Fail. Class will read and discuss pages 486 to 491 in the textbook. Students will actively listen, participate in class discussion, and answer guided reading questions.
Friday – The Crisis Deepens. Class will read and discuss pages 494 to 498 in the textbook. Students will actively listen, participate in class discussion, and answer guided reading questions.