Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Monday – Chapter 5 Study Guide. Teacher will pass out and briefly review Study Guide for Chapter 5 Test. Political Parties (Continued). Students will work in groups to create their own (imaginary) political party for our school by creating a ten point party platform, slogan, and posters.
Homework: Students should review chapter 5 in preparation for test on Tuesday.
Tuesday – Political Parties (Continued). Students will work in groups to create their own (imaginary) political party for our school by creating a ten point party platform, slogan, and posters.
Homework: Students should review chapter 5 in preparation for test on Tuesday.
Wednesday – Political Parties Test. Test on Chapter 5 in the textbook. Political Parties (Continued). Students will work in groups to create their own (imaginary) political party for our school by creating a ten point party platform, slogan, and posters.
Homework: The Right to Vote. Students will read pages 152 to 155 in the textbook.
Thursday – Voting. Students will vote a practice ballot and the class will announce the results.
Homework: Voter Qualifications. Students will read pages 158 to 163 in the textbook.
Friday – Suffrage and Civil Rights. Students will read pages 164 to 168, define all terms, answer the checkpoint questions, and answer questions one through 5 on the section 3 assessment.
High School English
Monday – Vocabulary Review Game. Class will review vocabulary lists one through fourteen.
Tuesday – Vocabulary Charades. Students will act out vocabulary words form lists one through fourteen and their classmates will have to identify the term.
Wednesday – Top Score Writing, Lesson 8. Students will learn how to write thorough and detailed supporting sentences for their body paragraphs.
Thursday – Top Score Writing, Lesson 8 (continued). Students will learn how to write thorough and detailed supporting sentences for their body paragraphs.
Friday – Vocabulary Test 4. Cumulative test on vocabulary lists one through fourteen.
8th Grade English
Monday – Vocabulary Review Game. Class will review vocabulary lists one through nine.
Tuesday – Vocabulary Charades. Students will act out vocabulary words from lists one through nine and their classmates will have to identify the term.
Wednesday – Top Score Writing, Lesson 8. Students will learn how to write thorough and detailed supporting sentences for their body paragraphs.
Thursday – Top Score Writing, Lesson 8 (continued). Students will learn how to write thorough and detailed supporting sentences for their body paragraphs.
Friday – Vocabulary Test 2. Cumulative test on vocabulary lists one through nine.
8th Grade American History
Monday – Chapter 10 Study Guide & Review. Teacher will pass out study guide and briefly review with class. Students will review independently for 15 minutes. Students will compete in teams to answer the review questions from the study guide.
Homework: Students should study their study guide to prepare for Chapter 10 (A Changing Nation) Test.
Tuesday – Cumulative Review. Class will review concepts, people, and events learned over the course of the year.
Wednesday – A Changing Nation Test. Test on chapter 10 in the textbook. The Industrial Revolution. Students will read pages 382 to 387 in the textbook.
Thursday – The Industrial Revolution. Class will read and review, and students will complete pages 170 to 172 in the workbook.
Homework: The North Transformed. Students will read pages 390 to 395 in the textbook.
Friday – The North Transformed. Class will read and review, and students will complete pages 173 to 175 in the workbook.