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2/19 - 2/23


Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.



Monday – NO SCHOOL

Tuesday – Basic Principles. Class will read and review pages 68 to 75. Students will define all bold terms, answer all checkpoint questions, and answer the Section 1 Assessment questions (1 through 5). 

Wednesday – Formal Amendments. Class will read and review pages 78 to 83. Students will define all bold terms, answer all checkpoint questions, and answer the Section 2 Assessment questions (1 through 5). 

Thursday – Change by Other Means. Class will read and review pages 85 to 88. Students will define all bold terms, answer all checkpoint questions, and answer the Section 3 Assessment questions (1 through 5). 

Friday – The Constitution Test. Test on chapter 3 (pages 68 to 88).


High School English

Monday – NO SCHOOL

Tuesday – Expository Essay Writing – Getting Started. Students will participate in lesson about expository writing and complete the guided practice worksheets.  

Wednesday – Expository Essay Writing – Planning, Part 1. Students will participate in lesson about expository writing and complete the guided practice worksheets.

Thursday – Expository Essay Writing – Planning, Part 2. Students will participate in lesson about expository writing and complete the guided practice worksheets.

Friday – Expository Essay Writing – Planning Part 3. Students will participate in lesson about expository writing and complete the guided practice worksheets.


8th Grade English

Monday – NO SCHOOL

Tuesday – Expository Essay Writing – Getting Started. Students will participate in lesson about expository writing and complete the guided practice worksheets.  

Wednesday – Expository Essay Writing – Planning, Part 1. Students will participate in lesson about expository writing and complete the guided practice worksheets.

Thursday – Expository Essay Writing – Planning Part 2. Students will participate in lesson about expository writing and complete the guided practice worksheets.

Friday – Expository Essay Writing – Planning Part 3. Students will participate in lesson about expository writing and complete the guided practice worksheets.


8th Grade American History

Monday – NO SCHOOL

Tuesday – Launching a New Nation Test. Test on chapter 8 in the textbook. Jefferson Takes Office. Students will read pages 310 to 313 in the textbook.

Wednesday - Jefferson Takes Office. Class will read and review pages 136 to 138 in the workbook and students will complete.

Homework: The Louisiana Purchase. Students will read pages 314 to 319 in the textbook.

Thursday – The Louisiana Purchase. Class will read and review pages 139 to 141 in the workbook and students will complete.

Homework: A Time of Conflict. Students will read pages 322 to 326 in the textbook.

Friday – A Time of Conflict. Class will read and review pages 142 to 144 in the workbook and students will complete.

Homework: The War of 1812. Students will read pages 327 to 331 in the textbook.

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