WEEK OF September 19, 2022 **Subject to change due to class progress
Period 1: English 9/10 – NO VOCAB THIS WEEK
Monday: Text pg. 73 (analyze graphic memoirs and background). Text pg. 74-78, read graphic memoir aloud. GRADED discussion.
Tuesday & Wednesday: Compare memoir excerpt and graphic memoir. GRADED Group work: Text p. 82 (compare accounts) and p. 83 (analyze), along with Venn Diagram with compare/contrast features. Due Wednesday at end of class.
Thursday and Friday: GRADED practice with standard document-based essays.
Period 2: ELA 6
Monday: Text p. 45. Discuss freedom and liberty – connect words, phrases, and visuals. Go over p. 46 figurative language. GRADED image / descriptive paragraph (5-7 sentences) of a person’s voice. Paragraph use at least 1 simile or metaphor (see Mrs. Smith’s resources).
Tuesday: Handout resource: Poetry characteristics and discuss. Review p. 47 text concepts and review BACKGROUND.
Wednesday: Read aloud “A Voice,” text p. 48 and identify figurative language. GRADED discussion, along with Text, pg. 51.
Thursday: Individual silent reading p. 52 poem, GRADED practice, text p. 54. GRADED VOCAB homework tonight: photographic, apologetic, systematic, bombastic (part of speech, definition, use in a sentence).
Friday: Review vocab. GRADED group practice p. 56 and figurative language practice with concepts of freedom.
Period 3: Literacy
Monday: ARGUMENT ESSAY DUE! Don’t forget the written certification at the bottom.
GRADED Vocabulary preview for short story, “The Necklace.” Caste, homage, inscrutable, exult, stupefied, covet, ecstatic, volition, impel, garret, remorse, appalled, usurer. Part of speech, definition, use in a sentence. If not finished in class, complete as homework.
Tuesday - Thursday: Read aloud the short story, “The Necklace.” GRADED discussion. Recognize plot diagram elements, literary devices, author’s purpose, diction, and syntax. Start group comprehension work. HOMEWORK: “The Necklace” Punctuation worksheet.
Friday: Group comprehension work on “The Necklace.”
Period 4: English 11/12
Monday – Friday: Practice field work entries and GRADED practice. We will prepare a schedule for completing the fieldwork. Primary source fieldwork will commence.
Period 5: ELA 7
Monday: Review “Monster” screenplay and discuss how it is different from a fictional short story. GRADED p. 68 assessment.
Tuesday: Read text p. 69 “Monster: A Graphic Novel” aloud, discussing annotation and analysis. GRADED p. 77 assessment.
Wednesday and Thursday: Review of Venn Diagrams. GRADED group work: P. 78. AND prepare a Venn Diagram that shows a detailed comparison and contrast of the differences between a screenplay and the novel excerpt.
Friday: GRADED Vocabulary: task (noun), task (verb), feature (noun), feature (verb), focus (noun), focus (verb), parade (noun), parade (verb), grade (noun), grade (verb). Define and use in a sentence.
Period 6: Law
Monday – Wednesday. We will review the Management and Operations Plan Section. GRADED: By the beginning of class on Thursday, the student will submit that section of the business plan with Production, Quality Control, Location and Personnel.
Thursday – Friday: Put together the entire business plan and submit Friday for grading.