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Week of May 1, 2023

WEEK OF May 1, 2023. **Subject to change

Period 1: English 9/10

MON: Vocabulary Quiz Act II Romeo and Juliet; begin reading Act III

TUES-THURS: Read and discuss Act III Romeo and Juliet; assessments.

FRI: ACT III Vocabulary.

Period 2: ELA 6

MON-TUES: Abel’s Island Chapters 15-17 reading and discussion

WED: Math Standardized Testing

THURS-FRI: Abel’s Island Chapters 15-17 Comprehension (group handout).

Period 3: Literacy

MON: Final narrative due; Math Standardized Testing for 7th graders.

TUES: Read narratives. Assign “A Sound of Thunder” essay. Work on essay

WED: Work on essay. Math Standardized Testing for 6th graders.

THURS-FRI: “A Sound of Thunder” movie.

Period 4: English 11/12

MON-FRI: Fahrenheit 451 PART TWO: pp. 88-106 Vocabulary (handout), reading, discussion, comprehension questions (handout).

Period 5: ELA 7

MON-FRI: The Giver. Continue comprehension questions (group – handout), assign and do 5-paragraph essay (individual). Assign and do group project (handout).

Period 6: Law (no class Wednesdays)

MON-FRI:House and Senate bills:navigating Congress’ website and determining what is pending. Assessment due Friday (handout).

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