5th Period: Two-Dimensional Studio Art 1
Monday: Water Color Painting
Tuesday: Packing Tape Image Transfer
Wednesday: *******No Class ********
Thursday: Create Collage Background
Friday Art Outdoors: Add Image Transfer to Collage Background
6th Period: M/S Two-Dimensional Studio Art 1
Monday: Shading Techniques
Tuesday: Shading Shapes/ Graphite Pencil Intro
Wednesday: *******No Class ********
Thursday: Still Life Sketch and Shade
Friday Art Outdoors: Reflective Surfaces; Students will sketch an outside object that contains various reflective lights.
7th Period: Art Collaboration: Designing Solutions for Art, Work, and Life Honors
Monday: Introduction to Contour Lines
Tuesday: Blind Contour Lines
Wednesday: *******No Class ********
Thursday: Add Details to Contour Line Drawing
Friday Art Outdoors: Still Life Contour Drawing; Students will draw outside subject using contour lines and various shading techniques.