WEEK OF FEBRUARY 26, 2024. **Subject to change
LATE WORK WILL BE GRADED AS ZERO unless you have a valid excuse for being late and you email me the night before asking me for an extension.
HW: If you don’t turn in your HW, you will write a 5-paragraph essay: “Why it is Harmful to Not Do My Homework.”
NO NAME on the physical paper = Grade 0.
Period 1: English HS (If absent, see “Period 1” folder for handouts).
MON-TUES: Work on “Recatitif” post-reading assignment (essay for 9th grade, story for the rest).
TUES NIGHT HW: Write down the definition, part of speech, and two sentences for each of these words: Horror, Horrific, and Horrifically.
WED: Post-reading assignments due. “Saturday Afternoon” vocabulary work (group).
THURS–FRI: Watch videos on lynching. Read “Saturday Afternoon.”
Period 2: Reading/Literature/Film (IF ABSENT, see the “period 2” make-up work folder).
MON: Finish reading Chapter 2 The Outsiders. Time permitting begin comp. questions activity (group, handout).
TUES: Continue comp. questions activity (group, handout).
WED-FRI: The Outsiders. Post-Chapters 1 & 2 activity (group – handout).
WED night HW: Write down the definition, part of speech, and two sentences for each of these words: Satisfaction, Satisfy, and Satisfactorily.
Period 3: ELA 6th Grade (IF ABSENT, see the “period 3” make-up folder).
MON-FRI: Continued work on the novel Out of My Mind. Finish reading Chapters 2-3. If you are absent, read on your own and do a summary of what you read for your participation grade. Questions (handout), quatrain poems (handout), literary devices (handout).
WED night HW: Hook, Thesis, Reasons Statement Worksheet #3 (handout).
Period 4: Political Science (IF ABSENT, see “period 4” folder for makeup work.)
MON-TUES: Work on Political Party presentation (handout)
WED – present the presentation.
Period 5: STUDY HALL – 8th grade
This period is intended to offer additional time to complete assignments in all classes, absentee work, and afford help in 8th grade ELA. Come prepared to work and study. Grades are based upon dedication to study and behavior standards.
Period 6: Creative Writing (no class Wednesdays)
During this semester, writing assignments will be given via written handouts with instructions. They may be daily or over several days.