WEEK OF APRIL 11, 2023. **Subject to change
Monday, April 10, 2023, is a student holidays/teacher workday.
Thursday is a Skating Field Trip Day!
Period 1: English 9/10
TUES-FRI: Shakespeare: Discuss character maps, the summary of Romeo and Juliet (play) and assign reading assignments.
Period 2: ELA 6
TUE-FRI: Abel’s Island Chapters 8-10 continued reading and comprehension questions. Time permitting individual assignment related to the reading (handout).
Period 3: Literacy
TUE-FRI: “The Masque of the Red Death” comprehension questions (group) and individual assignments (handouts).
Period 4: English 11/12
TUES-FRI: Fahrenheit 451 pp. 29-66 individual assignments (3 – handout). Begin reading pp. 67-88 and time permitting, comprehension questions (handout).
Period 5: ELA 7
TUES-FRI: The Giver Group and Individual assignment for Chapters 9-10 (handouts) and vocabulary for Chapters 11-13 (handout).
Period 6: Law (no class Wednesdays)
TUES, THURS, and FRI: Continue gaming law learning and assessments (handouts).