Biology: Use this pdf to complete your homework packets. They are due Wednesday 8/24. Please have your parents sign your science fair sheets, they are due Friday 8/26 worth 10 points.
Algebra: HW is due Monday 8/22, pdf is posted in a separate post and HW questions are in Week 1 lesson plan post. We will have a quiz on 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 on Friday 8/26
EMR: You have your vocabulary quiz Monday 8/22, you will be expected to know the terms, there will be no question bank. Exam 1 will be Thursday 8/25, Vitals quiz will be Friday 8/26.
Forensic Science: You have your vocabulary quiz Monday 8/22, you will be expected to know the terms, there will be no question bank. //Exam 1 will be Friday 8/26//. Your first escape room assignment will be due Friday 8/26 morning. // Your committees are posted on google classroom, if you have not yet joined the class search 'google classroom' login with your school email (preferably) or if you don't remember it use your personal gmail. Use code 'oggwph2' for the class code to join our class.