***Please check this regularly throughout the week as I update/change things as we move forward****
Late work will be graded as a ZERO. If you have an excused absence, you are responsible to bring the homework you missed the day you return to school (follow this Agenda blog). Email me if you have any questions about the work.
1st Period: Geometry Google Classroom code: pzel37o Monday: Complete Quiz 5-1
--> HW Due Thursday. 3/28/24 Quiz 5-2 Corrections (must show ALL work). Include the full definition for EACH center of triangle!
Tuesday: Collect HW 6 // Circumcenter on Coordinate Plane
--> HW 5 Due Thur. 3/28/24 ALL problems
Wednesday: (Tentative) Quiz 5-3 Review
--> HW is to study for the QUIZ!!
Thursday: Quiz 5-3
Friday: No School
--> HW 6 Due Mon. 3/21/24 ALL problems
***Use the videos on Google classroom to help you with the constructions ***
Extra Credit:
Complete the packet (all classwork for the content before Quiz 5-3 by Thursday 3/28/24)
2nd Period: Biology Google Classroom code: 67srerz
Monday: Chapter 18 Assessment Pg 500-501
--> HW: Biology Review Packet (5) Page 28-39 Due Tuesday 4/2/24
Tuesday: Ch 18 Review
Wednesday: Chapter 18 Test
Thursday: Work on EOC Packet (5)
Friday: No School
3rd Period: Algebra I
Monday: Ch 5 Test Rework
--> HW Due Thursday 3/28/24:Chapter 5 Test Correction
Show ALL WORK! (every step) On a separate paper
Write down the original problem first!
Explain why you got the answer wrong in a COMPLETE sentence
Next to each questions wrong, write where in the book you found the example that corresponds to that question
Tuesday: L6-1 Ex 4-6 (CW: Checks)
--> HW Due Wednesday 3/27/24: L6-1 pg. 320 #18-26 (evens) [5 questions]
Wednesday: L6-2 Warm Up // Ex 1-3
--> HW Due Thursday 3/28/24:L6-2 pg. 327 #3-13 (odds) [6 questions]
Thursday: Quiz L6-1 and 6-2
Friday: No School
*** Videos to help with homework (click for video):
Google docs of all videos: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QKQqSab-DAUpWTqpl3yvax_w-1s_nu4d7GEJUf0h0Vo/edit?usp=sharing
4th Period: Personal Finance Google Classroom code: j6vbxyc
Monday: Resume Workshop (UF CCC)
Tuesday: Work on Presentation for Side Hustles
Wednesday: Start Presentations
Thursday: Finish Presentations
Friday: No School
5th Period: Forensics Google Classroom code: y32x65m Monday: Forensic Trivia Activity
Tuesday: Ch 8 Review
Wednesday: Ch 8 Test
Thursday: Catching Killers: Poison
Friday: No School
7th Period: Research Monday: ALEKS // algebra review
Tuesday: ALEKS // geometry review
Wednesday: No Class
Thursday: ALEKS // Review
Friday: No School