Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.
5th Period: Two-Dimensional Studio Art 1
Monday: *******MLK Day***********
Tuesday: Mixing different shades of watercolors
Wednesday: *******No Class ********
Thursday: Mixing different shades of watercolors cont’d
Friday: Painting in the Park
6th Period: M/S Two-Dimensional Studio Art 1
Monday: *******MLK Day***********
Tuesday Adding layers and depth to watercolor painting
Wednesday: *******No Class ********
Thursday: Using colored pencils to add details to watercolor painting
Friday: Painting in the Park
7th Period: Art Collaboration: Designing Solutions for Art, Work, and Life Honors
Monday: *******MLK Day***********
Tuesday: 30 Day Yoga Challenge Day 1- Ease into it!
Wednesday: *******No Class ********
Thursday: 30 Day Yoga Challenge Day 2- Stretch and Soothe!
Friday: Yoga in the Park