Week of 4/11/2022
6th Grade: ELA
Monday: Spectrum WKBK- Writing- pgs 86-93 Research on States. The teacher will read and guide students with the day’s assignment.
Tuesday: Continue assignment from yesterday. Pgs 90-93 Teacher these assigned pages with students from last week. Writing Practice Spectrum WK Chapter 3 Lesson 10 Informational Writing Pages 82-89
Wednesday: ELA WkBk Spectrum pgs. 84-89
Thursday: Day 2 WkBk Spectrum pgs. 87-89
Friday: No School- Easter Holiday
Grade 7
Monday: Read with students and Spectrum WKBK pgs 90-98 Graphs/Visual aides/Organizing Notes
Tuesday: Day 2- Complete the essay as described with grammatically well-written sentences. 5 Paragraphs
Wednesday: ELA WkBk pgs. 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 Lessons on Chap 2 Review and the 2.5 Lesson on Commas.
Thursday- Complete the lesson 2.5 on Commas in ELA Wkbk pgs 77-80
Friday: No School- Easter Holiday
Grade 8
Monday: Spectrum WKBK pgs.90-98 Complete exercise modeling and guiding students
Tuesday: Day 2- Complete the essay as described with grammatically well-written sentences. 5 Paragraphs
Wednesday: ELA Spectrum Lesson Chapter Review 2 pgs 75-76 Lesson 2.5 Commas lesson 2.6 pgs 77- 80
Thursday: Make-up day for 8th grade
Friday: No School- Easter Holiday
8th Grade Reading
Monday: Harriet Tubman pgs 556-570 Read Story with students and complete all the questions.
Tuesday: Complete the questions on pg.556-570, for “Harriet Tubman” Once this assignment is complete, Begin The People Could Fly pg.573-578 Complete questions: 1-6
Wednesday: Review with students and begin the Quick write for “The Drummer Boy of Shiloh”
Thursday: Complete from the previous day “The Drummer Boy of Shiloh”
Friday: No School- Easter Holiday
Grade 9/10
Monday: The Pit and the Pendulum pg 559-575 Answer all the questions on pages 575 1-8 except for readers notebook # 5
Question # 6 requires e pieces of evidence, and 7 requires a 3 paragraph essay. Question 8 is a 5 paragraph essay-
Tuesday: Day 2 of The Pit and The Pendulum. The student will read and begin the questions on page 575
Wednesday: One Pager -EDGAR ALLEN POE; An Author Study
Thursday: Students will complete the one-pager and the questions for this week’s reading assignments The Pit and The Pendulum
Friday: No School- Easter Holiday
Grade 11/12
Monday: Complete the Inquiry and Research Essay from last week. This assignment was extended. Commonwealth and Restoration. On pg 533
Tuesday: Day 1 - Read with students: pg 1108-1111. Poetry Unit 6 Pt2 Shocking Realities
Wednesday: day 2 complete the essay on page 1111 on Connect to life question #8
Thursday:one-pager - using the poems found in the EOL text: “The Irish Airman Foresees His Death, The Dreamer and the Soldier”: Students will complete a one-pager on the realities of War.
Friday: No School- Easter Holiday