Week -6
September 20-24
Grade 6:
Monday: Wow Anagram Power
Spectrum WKBK- Pgs. 19-26
Class Introduction. Class readings and practice
Tuesday: Day 2 -Anagram Power WKBK ELA “Spectrum pgs. 22-26
Wednesday: Complete Anagrams/ Spectrum Wkbk Activities
Thursday: IReady Text
Read Passages on pg. 1-16 Answer all the multiple-choice and short response questions. Short responses require evidence from the text,
correct punctuation and grammar and EVIDENCE from the reading.
Friday: Silent reading from personal book and Reading Logs
7th Grade
Monday: EOL Text pgs. 79-90
Answer all the YOUR TURNS, Sidebar questions from the Article” For Girls Only?”, Pgs. 83-85 Pg., 89 Vocabulary All terms in the practice box.
Tuesday: Expository PowerPoint -Class Notes
Wednesday: Graphic Organizer- writing an Expository essay
Thursday: Timed Writing-Expository Format
Friday: Silent reading from personal book and Reading Logs
8th Grade READING
Monday: EOL Pgs,44-61 “Flowers for Algernon” Complete all the BEFORE you Read activities: pg. 44
Tuesday: Continue from the previous day. Read with Class and discuss theme and characters.
Wednesday: Day 3 Read with Class and discuss the reasons why it hurts when someone calls us different... Continue with the theme of “Flowers…” Review: Vocabulary FSA Multiple Choice Practice Thursday: Read Works FSA M/C “Boxed Cars and Bravery”
Friday: Silent reading from personal book and Reading Logs
8th Grade
Monday- EOL Text Pgs.58-72
Read the pages with class. Complete the YOUR TURNS Questions found on pgs. 59,60,62,Practice on 63,YOUR TURN pgs. 64, 70. Practice on pg 71
Tuesday-Day Two _Continue from yesterday.
EOL- Chapter 2 Writing @ A Complex Process
Wednesday: Day 3 – Graphic Organizer -Expository Essay.
Thursday: Timed Writing
Friday: Silent reading from personal book and Reading Logs
9th & 10th Grade
Monday: Class Notes and discussions on pgs688-696 Read and Introduce Julius Cesar
Tuesday: Continue Reading with class, discuss the use of dramatic irony, repetition, parallelism, use of rhetorical questions
Wednesday: Finish Reading of Julius Cesar, and discuss misunderstands, vocabulary, and clarify themes.
Thursday: Timed Writing
Friday: Silent reading from EOL Text pgs. 696-702 Julius Cesar and answer questions from the reading
Grade 11/12
Monday: Literature Text pg.295-299 Irony In Sonnets. # 30 & 75
Frankenstein Vocabulary 6 more terms. Define the words from the vocabulary list and begin reading chapter 5 with the class.
Tuesday: Literature Text-review Alliteration with the Sonnets EOL on pgs. 298, 299 Discuss the use of Alliteration and answer ALL of pg. 300
Wednesday: Frankenstein Vocabulary 6 more terms. Define the words from the vocabulary list and begin reading chapter 5 with class
Thursday: Timed Writing
Friday: Silent reading from Frankenstein Chapters 5-8 Silent work -on study guide questions.