1st Period: 7th Grade Civics
Monday: Jeopardy in Teams
Tuesday: Jeopardy in Teams
Wednesday: Sortify U.S. Citizenship game in Teams
Thursday - Friday: Students, Engage iCivics Lesson - Students will work together to identify and find solutions for local issues
3rd Period: 6/7th Grade Advanced Reading
Monday: Silent Reading // New Vocab: “Choosing a Career” - begin filling out vocab cards // Finish watching The Muppets (from last week)
Tuesday: Silent Reading // Looking to the Future: Peer Interview (worksheet) - students will interview a partner about what kinds of jobs interest them
Wednesday: Silent Reading // Choosing a Career Read and Respond worksheet
Thursday: Vocab Test: “Choosing a Career”// Silent Reading // Mad Libs!
Friday: Jeopardy in teams
4th Period: 8th Grade Reading
Monday: Silent Reading // New Vocab: “Choosing a Career” - begin filling out vocab cards
Tuesday: Silent Reading // Looking to the Future: Peer Interview (worksheet) - students will interview a partner about what kinds of jobs interest them
Wednesday: Silent Reading // Choosing a Career Read and Respond worksheet
Thursday: Vocab Test: “Choosing a Career”// Silent Reading // Mad Libs!
Friday: Jeopardy in teams
5th Period: Creative Writing
Monday: Develop 2 stories for the Creative Writing Portfolio
Tuesday: Develop 2 stories for the Creative Writing Portfolio
Thursday: Develop 2 stories for the Creative Writing Portfolio
Friday: Creative Writing Portfolio DUE - all 4 submissions to the CW Portfolio must be edited, polished, typed and submitted by the end of the period!