1st Period: 7th Grade Civics
Monday: Study Flashcards // Finish Practice EOC Retake // Begin filling out Big EOC Review Study Guide from slideshow presentation
Tuesday: Study Flashcards // Continue EOC Review Slideshow w/study guide
Wednesday: Current Event Homework is DUE! //Continue EOC Review Slideshow w/study guide
Friday: Flashcard Test on Sets 1 - 9
3rd Period: 6/7th Grade Advanced Reading
Monday: Silent Reading // New Vocab: Test-Taking Vocabulary // Play vocab game and begin working on vocab cards
Tuesday: Silent Reading // FSA Practice Test
Wednesday: Silent Reading // Review and Correct FSA Practice Test
Thursday: Silent Reading // Test-Taking Vocabulary Read and Respond worksheets
Friday: Vocab test: Test-Taking Vocabulary
4th Period: 8th Grade Reading
Monday: Silent Reading // New Vocab: Test-Taking Vocabulary // Play vocab game and begin working on vocab cards
Tuesday: Silent Reading // FSA Practice Test
Wednesday: Silent Reading // Review and Correct FSA Practice Test
Thursday: Silent Reading // Test-Taking Vocabulary Read and Respond worksheets
Friday: Vocab test: Test-Taking Vocabulary
5th Period: Creative Writing
Monday: Quick-write in journals: If you had to choose a new first and middle name for yourself, what would they be and why? How might this new name impact your life? // MixTape Project Musical Review
Tuesday: Quick-write in journals: You awake to find that you are the only person. Everyone else has vanished mysteriously. What would you do with your day?// Begin brainstorming ideas for Storyboard Project in groups
Thursday: Quick-write in journals: What lesson or words of wisdom would you impart to your five-year-old self?
// Work on Storyboard Project in groups
Friday: Free-Write Friday!