MON: Vocabulary worksheets Lesson 1 Synonyms - p1-4. Discuss. Work in groups.
TUE: Put Lesson 1 vocabulary words in sentences. Begin POETRY! P.70-71.
WED: Study Island - work at your own pace - to improve reading comprehension.
THU: Continue discussing and analyzing poems. Read "Dinner Together" p. 72-73.
FRI: Read "How Soft a Caterpillar Steps" p.74. Questions p,75-77.
----Should be reading a book for the first book report!
MON: Work on news articles, essays. Work on September Newsletter Volume 2.
TUE: Work on news articles, essays. Work on September Newsletter Volume 2.
THU: Work on news articles, essays. Work on September Newsletter Volume 2.
FRI: Work on news articles, essays. Work on September Newsletter Volume 2.