6th Grade
Monday:Monday: If At First, You Don't Succeed pg12 & 13 ( Comic Strip -Map Skills)
Tuesday: Grammar Gotcha pg 21 Basic Writing Text
Wednesday: Word find Begins and Ends with the Same - Vocabulary
Thursday: Timed Writing Essay: Prompt Subject to change
Friday: Literary Devices Bingo
7th Grade
Monday:Monday: If At First, You Don't Succeed pg12 & 13 ( Comic Strip -Map Skills)
Tuesday: Grammar Gotcha pg 21 Basic Writing Text
Wednesday: Word find Begins and Ends with the Same - Vocabulary
Thursday: Timed Writing Essay: Prompt Subject to change
Friday: Literary Devices Bingo
8th Grade
Monday:Monday: If At First, You Don't Succeed pg12 & 13 ( Comic Strip -Map Skills)
Tuesday: Grammar Gotcha pg 21 Basic Writing Text
Wednesday: Word find Begins and Ends with the Same - Vocabulary
Thursday: Timed Writing Essay: Prompt Subject to change
Friday: Literary Devices Bingo
9/10th Grade
Monday: "Angeles Ashes" -viewing and reflection QUESTIONS
Tuesday: Book Vocabulary Session H Pgs 26-30
Wednesday: Elements of Language pgs 160-173 Read and Answer questions at the bottom of the text
Thursday: Timed Writing Prompt ( Prompt -Subject to Change)
Friday: Marshmellow Challenge
11/12 Grade
Monday: Vocabulary Text H pgs 27-32
Tuesday: Elements of Language Text pgs 282-288 Read and Answer the Questions at the bottom of each page
Wednesday: Complete EOL Text American History
Thursday: Personal Reflection Essay-Subject to change
Friday: Marshmallow Challenge