Feb 10-14
1stPeriod: 8th Grade Science
Monday: Chapter review Pg 337 #1-4,6-14,16-18,1-5
Tuesday: Go over chapter review & worksheets
Wednesday: Chapter 6 test
Thursday: Movie
Friday: Start vocab words ch 10 // dump review.
2ndPeriod: Biology
Monday: Mutation Movie
Tuesday: Finish Movie
Wednesday: notes on the brain lobes and what they do// worksheets
Thursday: movie
Friday: Brain and CNS con’t
3rdPeriod: Liberal Arts Math
Monday: Pg 567 #1-5 & pg 570 # 1-8
Tuesday: Student teachers
Wednesday: pg 575 to 582 #1-20
Thursday: Movie
Friday: Student teaching
4thPeriod: 6th Grade Science
Monday: Chapter 1 vocab words (HW if not completed)
Tuesday: Chapter 1.1 notes // worksheets
Wednesday: Chapter 1.1 videos // start 1.2 notes
Thursday: Movie
Friday: 1.2 worksheets // review 1.1 & 1.2 notes
5th Period: Agricultural
Monday: Shed Construction
Tuesday: Shed Construction // replant
Wednesday: No class
Thursday: Shed construction
Friday: Seed separate and replant
6th Period: 7th Grade Science
Monday: Go over chapter review // go over worksheets
Tuesday: Chapter 6 test
Wednesday: ****early release ***** Chapter 7 Vocab
Thursday: Movie
Friday: Start chapter 7 overview & notes
7th Period: Planning