Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Monday – NO SCHOOL
Tuesday – The National Legislature. Class will read and review textbook pages 268 to 271. Students will answer teacher-directed questions. Absent students will read textbook pages 268 to 271 and complete the Section 1 Assessment (questions 1 through 7) on page 271.
Wednesday – Writing A Letter To a Public Official. Students will follow the directions on page 272 in the textbook to write a practice letter to a public official about an issue that concerns them.
Thursday – The House of Representatives. Class will read and review textbook pages 273 to 280. Students will answer teacher-directed questions. Absent students will read textbook pages 273 to 280 and complete the Section 2 Assessment (questions 1 through 7) on page 280.
Friday – The Senate. Class will read and review textbook pages 281 to 284. Students will answer teacher-directed questions. Absent students will read textbook pages 281 to 284 and complete the Section 3 Assessment (questions 1 through 7) on page 284.
HW: (Due Monday) Students will real textbook pages 285 to 290. They will define all terms, answer checkpoint questions, and complete the Section 4 Assessment (questions 1 through 6) on page 290. Students must write out questions.
English Honors
Monday – NO SCHOOL
Tuesday – Vocabulary List #16. Students will receive vocabulary list. Class will review words. Students will pick 3 of the words to use in 3 separate limericks, and 3 of the words to use in 3 separate haikus.
Wednesday – The Unknown Citizen. Class will read the poem “The Unknown Citizen” on textbook page 1079 and 1080. Students will complete the Thinking Through Literature questions on page 1081.
Thursday – Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night. Class will read “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” on page 1088 and 1090. Students will complete the Thinking Through Literature questions on pages 1089 and 1092.
Friday – Vocabulary Test. Cumulative test on vocabulary words.
8th Grade American History
Monday – NO SCHOOL
Tuesday – Introduction to Chapter 12: An Age of Reform. Improving Society. Class will read and review textbook pages 414 to 419. Students will answer teacher-directed questions. Absent students will read textbook pages 414 to 419, define all terms, answer the reading checkpoint questions, and complete the Check Your Progress questions on page 419.
Wednesday – The Fight Against Slavery. Class will read and review textbook pages 422 to 426. Students will answer teacher-directed questions. Absent students will read textbook pages 422 to 426, define all terms, complete the infographic question on page 425, answer the reading checkpoint questions, and complete the Check Your Progress questions on page 426.
Thursday – Chapter 11 Test. Test on Chapter 11 in the textbook.
Friday – A Call for Women’s Rights. Students will read textbook pages 427 to 430, define all terms, answer the reading checkpoint questions, and complete the Check Your Progress questions on page 430.