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Week of September 26, 2022


WEEK OF September 26, 2022 **Subject to change due to class progress

Period 1: English 9/10

MON: UNIT 2 – Breaking barriers, concepts text p. 99. VOCAB group: enforcement, entity, internalize, resolution, presumption, sibling, anomalous, charismatic, intricacy, assertive, consequential, grandstanding (12). Part of speech, definition, use in a sentence.

TUE: Text p. 103: central idea, text structure (compare-contrast, cause-effect, problem-solution, argument, sequence-chronology), editorials (genre) & examples.

WED: “The Power of a Dinner Table” editorial, text p. 105, GRADED discussion, assessment text p. 107. Tonight, study for figurative language quiz.

THURS: Figurative language quiz. Begin writing editorial – 2 sources required.

FRI: Continue working on editorial. Due Monday.

Period 2: ELA 6

MON: VOCAB group work. BOTH noun and verb: answer, record, permit, conduct, rebel, subject, increase, place, space. (18) Part of speech, define, sentence.

TUE: Figurative language practice with concepts of freedom. Study tonight for figurative language quiz tomorrow (resource handout).

WED: Figurative language quiz. “A Rose That Grew from Concrete” poem, GRADED discussion.

THURS/FRI: Document Based Writing. Practice standardize testing – comprehend several documents to write an evidence-based essay.

Period 3: Literacy

MON: Holes VOCAB group work. wasteland, stifling, Gypsy, gruff, neglected, mansion, shriveled, ratios, curse, intelligence, befell, increasingly (12).

TUE: Holes VOCAB group work. forbidden, slumped, descendants, perseverance, stagecoach, impressed, scorpions, convicted, vast, discouraged, outlaw, preferred (12).

WED-FRI: Holes Chapters 1 – 3 read and discussing in small group literature circles and answering comprehension questions.

Period 4: English 11/12

MON-FRI: Ethnography field work will be done, and field work entries completed as field work is done. All field work entries due the following Monday.

Period 5: ELA 7

MON: VOCAB group work: afflicted, hastened, forestall, aquiver, bespoke, repression, subtle, tumultuously, monstrous, persistence, illumination, shudder (12). Define, part of speech, use in a sentence.

TUES-FRI: “The Story of an Hour.” Annotations, 5Ws+H, irony. Graded class discussions, individual quiz, and group comprehension questions.

Period 6: Law (no class Wednesdays)

MON-FRI: Why we care about business law. Resources: websites, videos, and discussion. GRADED WORK: Classroom discussions on potential abuse and overreach of law; research a regulated product or business and present how it is regulated. Create a visual diagram of how business law impacts both consumers and businesses.

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