WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 18, 2023. **Subject to change Period 2: Reading MON: Structured reading with comprehension review - Mt. Vesuvius TUES: Continue assigned reading WED: Review worksheets - Mt. Vesuvius
THURS: Begin new story - Student choice
FRI: Continue story from Thursday
Period 3: CIVICS MON: Begin reading Chapter 3: Creating the Constitution pg. 64// Skim through sections 1, 2, and 3 taking note of headlines and key terms // Begin Chapter 3 Review and Assessment pg. 87 (Due Wednesday).
WED: CE Homework DUE // Review Chapter 3 Assessment using powerpoint // finish Constitution Day lesson
THURS: Review for Ch. 3 Test!
FRI: Binder Check // Chapter 3 Test
Period 4: ELA 7th Grade MON: Structured reading with comprehension review - The Titanic TUES: Vocabulary work WED: Review worksheets - The Titanic
THURS: Begin new story - Student choice
FRI: Vocabulary quiz
Period 5: Makerspace MON: Continue time trials of The Contraption (on laptops)
TUES: Complete project outline WED: Begin sourcing project materials
THURS: Continue sourcing and start new Sandbox simulator
FRI: Continue Sandbox simulator