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Ms. Bitton

Week of November 4th-8th

Updated: Nov 8

Learning Strategies (Periods 1 and 2) Indicates a graded assignment


CW: Go over syllabus as a class

HW: Review syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)


CW: 1st period: Silent Study Hall, 2nd period:Make-up work from yesterday's Civics class

HW: Review syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)


CW: Group Assignments and Agenda Sheet

HW: Review syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)

Thursday (I will be in a meeting, Mrs. Welch will cover our class)

CW: Silent Study Hall, Tutoring

HW: Syllabus is due tomorrow, make sure your binder is ready for our first binder check.


CW: Binder checks, Boy in the Striped Pajamas

HW: Make sure all supplies needed is brought in on Monday.

Pre-Algebra 8 (Period 3)


CW: 2.2 Notes and Class Review

HW: Review syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)


CW: 2.3 Notes, 2.3 Practice (evens)

HW: 2.3 Practice (odds) Review syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)


CW: 2.3 Extra Practice (evens), Class Review of 2.3EP

HW: Syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)


CW: 2.3 Open-Note Quiz



CW: 2.4 Practice, Binder Checks


U.S. History 8 (Period 4)

***Nov 4-8th is a state mandated Holocaust Remembrance Week***


CW: Go over syllabus as a class, Study Hall

HW: Review syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)


CW: Lesson on U.S. Presidential Elections

HW: Review syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!) Write a paragraph on what the Holocaust is.


CW: PPT, Notes, and Classroom Discussion on the Holocaust

HW: Questions from PPT, Review syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)


CW: PPT, Notes, and Classroom Discussion on the Holocaust

HW: Questions from PPT, Syllabus is due tomorrow, make sure your binder is ready for our first binder check.


CW: Binder Checks, Boy in the Striped Pajamas


HW: Take home quiz (you may use only your notes)

Geometry 10 (Period 5)


CW: Go over syllabus as a class, Silent Study Hall

HW: Review syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)


CW: 2.3 Notes

HW: Review syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)


CW: Finished 2.3 Notes

HW: 2.3 Practice, syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)


CW: 2.3 Practice

HW: 2.3 Study Guide (open note) Syllabus is due tomorrow


CW: 2.3 Extra Practice, Binder Checks

HW: Finish 2.3 Extra Practice

Civics 7 (Period 6)

***Nov 4-8th is a state mandated Holocaust Remembrance Week***


CW: Chapter 4 Review (Pg. 136) questions 1-11, class discussion on question #13

HW: Review syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)


CW: Lesson on U.S. Presidential Elections

HW: Review syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)


CW: PPT, Notes, and Classroom Discussion on the Holocaust

HW: Questions on the Holocaust, Review syllabus with parent/guardian and have it signed (Due Friday!)


CW: Boy in the Striped Pajamas


HW: Take home quiz

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