***Please check this regularly throughout the week as I update/change things as we move forward****
Late work will be graded as a ZERO. If you have an excused absence, you are responsible to bring the homework you missed the day you return to school (follow this Agenda blog). Email me if you have any questions about the work.
1st Period: Geometry Google Classroom code: pzel37o Monday: Review Medians & Centroid; Altitudes & Orthocenter
--> HW 4 Due Wed. 3/20/24 ALL problems
Tuesday: Centers of Triangles Review
--> HW 5 Due Thur. 3/21/24 ALL problems
Wednesday: (Tentative) Quiz 5-2 Review
--> HW is to study for the QUIZ!!
Thursday: Quiz 5-2
Friday: Constructing Centers of Triangles (All Centers)
--> HW 6 Due Mon. 3/21/24 ALL problems
***Use the videos on Google classroom to help you with the constructions ***
Make Up Work:
Make up quiz 5-1 by Friday 3/22/24
During study hall/ recess/ elective (with teachers' approval FIRST)
Extra Credit:
Complete the packet (all classwork for the content before Quiz 5-3 by Thursday 3/28/24)
2nd Period: Biology Google Classroom code: 67srerz
Monday: Collect EOC packet 3 // Chapter 18 Vocab (study)
--> HW: Biology Review Packet (4) Page 19-27 Due Friday 3/22/24
Tuesday: Chapter 18 Vocab quiz // Work on Bio EOC packet 4
Wednesday: Amoeba Sisters: Viruses //
--> HW: Whatever is not finished in class is due tomorrow (3/19/24)
Thursday: Park Ranger Speaker
Friday: STAAR EOC Biology Review for Viruses // Chapter 18 Blooket
--> Try to finish majority of EOC packet before class
--> Chapter 18 Test (MOVED to next Monday: 3/25/24)
3rd Period: Algebra I
Monday: Chapter 5 Test Review Packet // Graphing Inequality practice
--> HW Due Wednesday 3/18/24: Finish Studying for the Chapter 5 test (remember our goal)
Tuesday: Review Sheet Inequality (all problems)
Wednesday: Makeup Quiz 5-3 and 5-5
Thursday: Chapter 5 test
Friday: L6-1 warm Up // L6-1 Ex 1-3 (CW: Checks)
--> HW Due Monday (3/25/24) L6-1 pg319 #2-8 (even), 9, 11, 15 [7 questions; 3 graphs use graphing paper!!!]
--> EC: Why is the solution the intersection of 2 lines? Give an example.
*** Videos to help with homework (click for video):
Google docs of all videos: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QKQqSab-DAUpWTqpl3yvax_w-1s_nu4d7GEJUf0h0Vo/edit?usp=sharing
4th Period: Personal Finance Google Classroom code: j6vbxyc
Monday: Can you afford it? // Side Hustle Presentation/ pitch
Tuesday: Coloring activity - Budgeting // Side Hustle Presentation/ pitch
Wednesday: 'Shark Tank' - Pitch
Thursday: Begin the formal Presentation
Friday: Keep Presenting
5th Period: Forensics Google Classroom code: y32x65m Monday: Blood Splatter intro. // Study Vocab
Tuesday: Blood Type Game
Wednesday: Blood Splatter Notes continued //
Thursday: Chapter 8 Vocab Quiz // Chapter 8 Review
Friday: Blood Splatter Activity
--> Chapter 8 Test Next Monday 3/25/24
7th Period: Research Monday: ALEKS // algebra review
Tuesday: ALEKS // geometry review
Wednesday: No Class
Thursday: ALEKS // Review
Friday: ALEKS // Review
Why I am out. I will come back ASAP!!: