WEEK OF Jan. 23, 2023 **Subject to change
Period 1: English 9/10
MON: Speech outline due – will be reviewed by Mrs. Smith and comments given.
TUES-WED: Work on speeches.
THUR-FRI: Give speeches.
Period 2: ELA 6
MON-WED: Write Rough Draft
THURS: Work on rough draft using P. 168 text diagram.
FRI: Work on final story – due MON. Turn in your rough draft with notations from p. 168. As well as your final story.
Period 3: Literacy
MON-FRI: Holes Chapters 41-43: Read, Comp Qs, individual assignments. Vocab for Chapters 44-50 if time permits.
Period 4: English 11/12
Complete “Amaryllis” comp. Qs and individual assessment. If time permits, begin Fharenheit 451introductory material.
Period 5: ELA 7
MON – FRI: Introductory assessments and begin reading The Giver novel. Comp. Qs time permitting.
Period 6: Law (no class Wednesdays)
MON – FRI: Complete 11 Important Government Regulations on Business You Must Know handout. Participation grades for discussion, quiz, and assessment handout.