***Please check this regularly throughout the week as I update/change things as we move forward****
1st Period: Geometry
Monday: Wrapping up Segment addition with congruent segments and starting on Midpoints/ Distance formula.
-->HW due Wednesday: on the document that says hw 2 #10-15 (try your best on 15!!)
**See this detailed explanation of example 10:
Tuesday: Distance and Midpoint formula
Wednesday: Collect and Review HW// Intro. Locating Points using Ratios/ weighted averages
--> HW3 due Friday: #2,3,5,7,8,11,12,13,15
Thursday: Continue with Locating Points using Rations and weighted averages // Review for quiz
Friday: Collect and review HW // Quiz 1 (Points, Lines, and Planes; Segment addition; some Midpoint and distance)
2nd Period: Biology Monday: EOC Vocab Quiz 1 // Amoeba sister video // Distribute next set of Prefix/ root Vocab
First set of Prefix/ Root (quiz Next Monday): https://quizlet.com/518584935/prefixroot-1-2-flash-cards/?funnelUUID=dbcd147d-76f8-4cf9-8d59-d5cafedbb12b
Note: Vocab Quizzes are cumulative
Tuesday: Chapter 6 review video and Worksheet in class for Chapter 6
Properties of Water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jwAGWky98c
Biomolecules: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO244P1e9QM
-->HW: Worksheet given in class due Thursday
Wednesday: Scientific Method Recap// Mini Lab pg 155 // Think critically page 154, 156
Thursday: Chapter 6 test review
The 'Study Guide' is your guided notes
Friday: Chapter 6 Test
3rd Period: Algebra I Monday: Review worksheet from last class// lesson 1-1 examples 1 and 2,
For your own Review:
Integers review video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWMUSX40_mU
Exponents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkhPRz7Hocg
Solving Multi-step Equations: Part 1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IqIOhSkn2Y&t=15s Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAWLYlBql4g
Tuesday: lesson 1-1 classwork practice problems 1-4, 5-6
Wednesday: Lesson 1-1 example 3-5 // CW: #9, 13, 17, 20, 24, 28, 30
// continue classwork and review
-> HW due Fridaypg 11 and 12: #'s 7, 8, 10,11,12,14,15,16,18 , 19-29 (odds). Thursday: finish lesson 1-1, classwork, if classwork not finished complete as homework
pg 12 #'s 31, 32, 33, 37-40, 41-44, 45-49 due Friday morning, will go over in class
Friday: Go over Wednesday's HW and start 1-2
4th Period: Personal Finance Monday: HW review and Collection // Pre-skills test
Tuesday: Checking account basics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7AS_6RhxiU
Checking Accounts pgs. 39-41
Wednesday: Practice page 42 #4,8-10 , 18, 21
HW Due Friday: rest of CW plus #3,7, 14,15, 20, 22 Thursday: Think about it page 46, practice page 47
Friday: Review HW, Savings Account, Pg 51-53
5th Period: EMR
Monday: Finish with Vitals and Practice Vitals
Slides for Week 1: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iyivxta-h3hkxiKqCYTH3vRpWCc73sBjWYqfQq9Vwu4/edit?usp=sharing
Tuesday: Medical Terminology Quiz and finish going over vitals/ oxygen apparatus
Wednesday: Vitals Practice, Grade for bringing in materials Thursday: Begin Chapter 2
Friday: Vitals Quiz 1 // finish chapter 2
7th Period: Research
Monday: Geometry and Algebra Review
Tuesday: Algebra and Geometry Review
Wednesday: No Class
Thursday: Algebra and Bio Review
Friday: Geometry and Bio Review