Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
2nd Period: Makerspace
Monday: Career Day
Tuesday: Soldering and Circuits
Wednesday: Soldering and Circuits
Thursday: Soldering and Circuits
Friday: Holiday
Note: We will hold safety classes as new tools are installed for use.
3rd Period: 6th/7th Grade Reading
Monday: Career Day
Tuesday: Reading Comprehension Assessment
Wednesday: Read selection from the reader
Thursday: Continue selection from the reader
Friday: Holiday
4th Period: HS Journalism
Monday: Career Day
Tuesday: Group work (Yearbook, News Letter, and Monday Morning News)
Wednesday: Group work (Yearbook, News Letter, and Monday Morning News)
Thursday: Group work (Yearbook, News Letter, and Monday Morning News)
Friday: Holiday
5th Period: 8th Grade Language Arts
Monday: Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken”
Tuesday: Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken” cont
Wednesday: Langston Hughes poem “Dreams”
Thursday: Imagery in Poetry
Friday: Holiday
6th Period: Makerspace
Monday: Soldering and Circuits
Tuesday: Soldering and Circuits
Wednesday: No Class
Thursday: Soldering and Circuits
Friday: Holiday
Note: We will hold safety classes as new tools are installed for use.