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Week of 9/12-9/16

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

Please check this post regularly throughout the week as I make changes as we progress


M: substitute amoeba sisters worksheet due

T: ch 8 ppt with guided notes W: ch 8 ppt Th: finish ch 8 ppt

F: activity // mini lab // (exam review on 9/19, chapter 8 exam pushed to 9/20)

HW packet due Tuesday

Algebra 9A:

M: HW #7 pg 75-77 (#'s 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16-21, 28, 29) DUE THURSDAY //


Lesson 2-1

T: Lesson 2-1 examples 1-6 // classwork pg 77-78 #30-47

W: // Lesson 2-2 examples 1-3 // HW #8 pg 85-87 #'s 1-25 (POSTPONED, WILL BE ASSIGNED MONDAY- HAVE YET TO COVER THE MATERIAL)


Th: HW #7 DUE and review // Lesson 2-2 examples 4-7 // classwork pg 87-88 #'s26-33

F: HW #8 DUE and review // Quiz on Lesson 2.1 // HW#8 due // Lesson 2-3 examples 1 and 2

Algebra 9B:

Please refer above to 9A for information. Any class specific changes will be listed here.


M: substitute

This week there are A LOT of terms-make sure to be diligent in studying!

T: chapter 3 ppt // give out vocab worksheet

W: continue ch 3 ppt // introduce week 3 skills lab // every person in class does 1 practice scenario

Th: continue practice scenarios // continue incorporating skills: The 5 Rights // SAMPLE

F: lab skills practice // vitals practice for quiz Monday

vocab quiz on Tuesday 9/20


M: in-class extension to work on escape room, due at the end of class! //

T: escape room due end of class // give vocab sheet out

W: No Class early release

Th: begin and finish ch 3 ppt on Hair Analysis // bellwork // microscope hair activity

F: microscope hair activity

vocab quiz on Tuesday 9/22

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