WEEK OF August 28, 2023. **Subject to change
Period 1: English 3/4
MON: Finalize vocabulary work and study for TUES. quiz.
TUES: Vocab quiz (MC). Begin reading and discussing “America and I” by Yezierska. Participation graded.
WED: Continue reading and discussing “America and I.” Participation graded.
THURS: 9th/10th graders standardized testing; others BRING A BOOK to read.
FRI: “America and I” activities.
NOTE: If you are absent for class reading, read the story yourself and summarize what you read. If you are absent for handed out activities, you will need to make them up by the day after you return.
Period 2: Reading/Literature/Film
MON: Essay due; 7th grade standardized testing. All others, bring a book or you will select a book to read and read in class.
TUES: 6th grade standardized testing. All others, bring a book or you will select a book to read and read in class.
WED: “The Aged Mother” vocabulary work.
THURS – FRI: Read and discuss “The Aged Mother” and related activities.
IF YOU ARE ABSENT, see Mrs. Smith for make-up work.
Period 3: ELA 6th Grade
MON: Vocabulary quiz, read and discuss short story “Cemetery Path.” Discussion is graded participation.
TUES: Standardized testing for all 6th graders.
WED-FRI: Continue reading “Cemetery Path” and do story-related activities.
IF YOU ARE ABSENT, see Mrs. Smith for make-up work.
Period 4: Ethics
MON: Exploring cultural ethical differences. Graded discussion participation. If you are absent, watch the videos and write a summary of what you learned.
TUES: About judging and listening.
Graded activity on listening.
WED: Table dilemma (graded). “Is it okay to lie.” The 5Ws and H of lying.
THURS: 9th/10th graders standardized testing. All others, bring a book to read during class time.
FRI: Group work: Hypothesis: Think of or find a culture that you suspect might have different cultural rules than you do. Do research to see if you are right. Next week, this information will be presented via PowerPoint presentation: your hypothesis, your research, and your conclusion.
Period 5: Geography / Culture
MON: Groups finish presenting their “new country.” (Graded).
TUES-WED: Travel brochure. (graded)
THURS: Turn in travel brochure; Iceberg handout and culture discussion (graded).
FRI: What makes a city a city? (Discussion and graded participation)
Period 6: Speech and Debate (no class Wednesdays)
MON: Graded exercise – finding three reasons why “yes” and “no.”
TUES: Discussion of the benefits of debating (article). https://www.theedadvocate.org/the-benefits-of-debating/
IF YOU ARE ABSENT, read the article and write a summary of what you learned.
THURS: Benefits of debating quiz. Videos and discussion – CONFLICT: what can go wrong and what do we do about it?
IF YOU ARE ABSENT, watch the videos and write a summary of what you learned about them.
FRI: Format of debate (videos)
What was the Lincoln-Douglas debate?
Lincoln-Douglas debate format:
The format of other debates:
Fast debate formats: https://www.thoughtco.com/fast-debate-formats-for-the-classroom-8044
IF YOU ARE ABSENT, watch the videos and write a summary of what you learned about them.