Please check daily as I make frequent changes
M: Begin lecture 15.2
T: finish lecture 15.2
W: notecards on 15.2
Th: finish ppt
F: finish note cards
if absent: complete 17 flashcards and turn in Monday: MUST BE SPELLED CORRECTLY
-allelic frequency
-genetic equilibrium
-genetic drift
-stabilizing selection
-directional selection
-disruptive selection
-geographic isolation
-reproductive isolation
-punctuated equilibrium
-adaptive radiation
-divergent evolution
-convergent evolution
next week M: review, Tuesday exam
Algebra 9A and 9B:
M: Exam on ch 6 lessons 6-1 through 6-4
T: Begin ch 7 exponents
W: finish 7-1 HW#27 pg 9 #1-25 (USE VOLUME 2 TEXTBOOK) due friday
Th: 7-2
F: 7-2 // HW#27 due
HW#28 pg 17-18 #1-22
M: Exam on ch 9 patient care assessment
T: DCAPBTLS run through
W: vocab
Th: practice scenarios
F: begin ch 10
M: vocab quiz
T: begin chapter 9
W: no class
Th: finish ch 9
F: begin escape room