Please check daily as I make frequent changes
T: study in class for exam / must bring in powerpoint tomorrow for a grade!
HW DUE TOMORROW: On a piece of paper write down 1 fact about prehistoric life. Must be a complete sentence. Must identify the specific era and period this fact takes place in. The more information the better chance at 100% as a grade.
W: Exam on ch 14
Th: Begin ch 15
F: continue ch 15
Algebra 9A and 9B:
T: HW #24 due / begin lesson 6-3 elimination using addition and subtraction HW#25 due THURSDAY pg 333 #1-32
W: finish lesson 6-3
Th: begin lesson 6-4 // HW#25 due
F: finish lesson 6-4
T: patient care assessment practice
W: review for exam
Th: exam on ch 9
F: begin ch 10
T: continue blood escape room ch 8
W: no class
Th: continue escape room
F: escape room section 8 due for grade