1st Period: 6th Grade World History
Monday: Students will work on organization, study skills and habits, and practice ways to be successful in middle school // Brainstorm ideas for Spirit Week theme days!
Tuesday: Begin Egyptian Book of the Dead video and take guided notes
Wednesday: Finish Book of the Dead Notes and review vocab words for test tomorrow!
Thursday: Book of the Dead Test //
Friday: No School - UF Homecoming!
2nd Period: 7th Grade Civics
Monday: Review Rule of Law skits and finish Rule of Law packet // complete for HW if not done in class.
Tuesday: Pamphlet of Protections activity // Read “You’ve Got Rights” iCivics reading page 1 and complete activity pages 1 and 2
Wednesday: Complete Amendment Matching cut + paste activity in groups // Study flashcards sets 1 and 2
Thursday: Trashketball on ALL flashcard terms so far!
Friday: No School - UF Homecoming!
3rd Period: 6/7th Grade Advanced Reading
Monday: Silent Reading // New vocab packet: Wild Ride // Begin working on packet
Tuesday: Silent Reading // Watch “Wild Ride” video and answer review questions // Begin Writer’s Notebook activity #1 on pg. 119
Wednesday: Sustained Silent Reading
Thursday: Silent Reading //Share results from Writer’s Notebook activity // Complete #3. Pg. 119 “Made in America” art project
Friday: No School - UF Homecoming!
7th Period: Forensics
Monday: Meet in Classroom: Review course syllabus and expectations // Begin Forensic Anthropology slideshow and fill out Human Skeleton label sheet.
Tuesday: Meet in Lab: Fill in the rest of Human Skeleton sheet and look at model of skeleton to identify and review the names of various bones // Identify the gender of our classroom skeleton using cranial and pelvic bones in groups.
Thursday: Meet in Classroom: Begin reading Chapter 13 packet answering questions as we go
Friday: No School - UF Homecoming!