MON: LAFS Bk - Unit 4 Assessment p.169-174. Read and do together.
TUE: LAFS bk - Lesson 18: Evaluating an Argument - p.179-186. Parts 1-5. Read and discuss 1-3 together. Parts 4, 5 - do independently.
WED: LAFS bk - Lesson 18: Evaluating an Argument - p.179-186. Parts 1-5.
THU: FSA Coach bk - Lesson 9: "Main Ideas & Details" p.90-93. Lesson 10: "Text Structures" p.94-97. Read and discuss together.
FRI: Word Wisdom bk - "The Greatest" (Latin & Greek Roots/vocabulary) p,76-80 - in pairs.
----ALL students are responsible for completing missing assignments. This should be done within 2 days of an absence, otherwise late points will be deducted.
---Low grades will have to be redone for more credit. Especially FSA Prep.
Work on Yearbook.
Make posters
Silent Reading / Study Hall.