6th grade:
Monday: 1. Continue practicing your new set of vocabulary words (page 716). Finish writing the definitions for discussion in class. 2. Current event due in class.
Tuesday: Read pages 19 and 20 "Rosa Parks: My Story." Be ready to discuss and participate in class.
Wednesday: Begin writing workshop (Autobiographical Incident- Read pages 27-44
Thursday: Continuation of Autobiographical incident.
Friday: Vocabulary quiz.
7th grade:
Monday: 1. Continue practicing your new set of vocabulary words (page 756). 2. Be ready to present your current event. Follow rubrics given in class.
Tuesday: Read pages 19-20.
Wednesday: Begin writing workshop (Eyewitness accounts- Read pages 27-43.
Thursday: Continuation of eyewitness accounts workshop.
Friday: Vocabulary quiz.
8th grade:
Monday: 1. Continue practicing your new set of vocabulary words. 2. Be ready to present your current event. Follow rubrics given in class.
Tuesday: Read pages 19 and 20 (Personal Narratives - "Bear in the Family")
Wednesday: Read pages 27-43 (Writing workshop)
Thursday: Read pages 44-46 (Speaking and Listening)
Friday: Vocabulary quiz.
9/10 grades:
Monday: 1. In-class analysis of Poetry and short stories. Be ready to begin discussing the poem "Invictus"
Tuesday: In-class analysis Short story "The Scarlet Ibis." Wednesday: Comparing the two previous genres to develop an description.
Wednesday: Development of a career description.
Thursday and Friday: Presentation in class of your model.
11/12 grades:
Monday: Continue reading and analyzing "Beowulf." Pages 33-35.
Tuesday: Begin researching what tales other cultures may have that depict "hero-like" characteristics such as of Beowulf's. Continue reading Beowulf (pages 36-39).
Wednesday: Share your findings. Continue reading pages 40-44.
Thursday: Oral participation to prepare for tomorrow's Test. Study Guide of pages 33-44 (Beowulf).
Friday: Test.