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Week of October 2 - 6

Updated: Oct 4, 2023

Period: 2 – READING

Monday: Reading Comp – Student Choice

Tuesday: Text Evidence

Handout Packet – Custom Classroom by Angela 2019

Whole classroom reading with assessments

Number 11 – Excerpt from FIFA World Cup Article by Wikipedia

Number 12 – Excerpt from Is Technology Making Us Lazy by Jacob Nelson

Wednesday: Text Evidence

Handout Packet – Custom Classroom by Angela 2019

Whole classroom reading with assessments

Number 13 – Excerpt from Why Kids Should Grade Teachers by Alison G.

Number 14 – Excerpt from Video Games: Sport, or not a Sport… by Matt Charleton

Thursday: Text Evidence

Handout Packet – Custom Classroom by Angela 2019

Whole classroom reading with assessments

Number 15 – Excerpt from Homework is Harmful by Elizabeth S.

Number 16 – Excerpt from Food Waste by Kelly A.

Friday: No School

Period: 3 – CIVICS

Monday: Review Friday’s Exam/Discuss New Vocabulary

Tuesday: Finish Exam Review and Start The Declaration of Independence

My Florida Civics

Chapter 2: America’s Political Heritage

The Declaration of Independence, pp. 60 – 63

Wednesday: Continue The Declaration of Independence

My Florida Civics

Chapter 2: America’s Political Heritage

The Declaration of Independence, pp. 60 – 63

Thursday: Continue The Declaration of Independence

Begin classwork handout – The Declaration of Independence: The Break Up

Handout will be distributed in class.

Friday: No School

Period: 5 – ELA

Monday: Reading Comp – Student Choice

Tuesday: Unit 1: Analyzing & Apply

Intro Lit - Florida

Not Everything It Seems

Article by Arnetta Cater, pp. 20 – 31

Questions on pp. 20 – What’s Not to “Like”, Influencer Faves

HW: Person of Influence (pg. 20)

Wednesday: Analyze & Apply Cont.

Intro Lit - Florida

Not Everything It Seems

Article by Arnetta Cater, pp. 20 – 31

Questions on pp. 23, Determine Author’s Purpose

Questions on pp. 24 – 25, Cite Evidence and Vocabulary

Questions on pp. 25, Quoted Words

Thursday: Analyze & Apply Cont.

Intro Lit - Florida

Not Everything It Seems

Article by Arnetta Cater, pp. 20 – 31

Questions on pp. 26, Determine Author’s Purpose

Questions on pp. 27, Assessment Practice

Complete Analyze the Text on pp. 28

Friday: No School

Period: 6 – Makerspace

Monday: Review completed instruments and discuss issues with same

Tuesday: Instructional demonstration – How to build speakers from scratch

Building large surface speakers

Mr. Smith will demonstrate how to build the ”World’s Best Speakers” using few materials and even fewer tools.

Wednesday: No Class

Thursday: Understanding how the large surface speakers work and the theories behind them

Friday: No School

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