6th grade:
Monday: Research, select a topic of your choice
Tuesday: How to create a Google Slide Presentation, Research
Wednesday: Research
Thursday: Vocabulary Quiz
7th grade:
Monday: Prepare your Descriptive Essay and Drawing
Tuesday: Present your Essay and Drawing in class
Wednesday: Research your topic of Interest for Google Slide Presentation
Thursday: Vocabulary Quiz
8th grade:
Monday: Research for you Google Slide Presentation
Tuesday: Documentary: Ancient Egypt, take notes in class
Wednesday: Be prepared to discuss the documentary in class.
Thursday: Vocabulary Test
9th/10th grades:
Monday: Finish "The Boy who Harnessed the Wind"
Tuesday: Open Forum Discussion about the Movie, Use your Notes React.ion Paper Due
Wednesday: Human Geography and Language Arts
Thursday: Test
11th/12th grades:
Monday: Finish The Greek Gods Presentation
Tuesday: Preliminary Discussion about the Gods
Wednesday: "The Iliad" wrap up
Thursday: Test