3rd Period: 8th Grade Math/Pre-Algebra
Topic for the Week: Algebraic Expressions, Functions
Monday Using tables for word problems Worksheet with 2 word problems
Tuesday Make a table practice HW bklt, 2-1A, pg 27-28 (pick 5)
Wednesday Variables and Expressions HW bklt, 2-1B, pg 29-30 (odd)
Thursday Ordered pairs and Relations HW bklt, 2-1C, pg 31 (all)
Friday Cont. Relations, Quiz Correct Quiz errors
4th Period: 7th Grade Math
Topic for the Week: Multiply and Divide Fractions
Monday Improper fractions to mixed numbers
Tuesday Multiplying fractions with cancelling HW Bklt, 2-3B, pg 31 (odd)
Wednesday Problem solving strategies HW Bklt, 2-3C, pg 33 (all)
Thursday Dividing Fractions Txtb, Page 123 11-35 (odd)
Friday Multiplying and Dividing Activities
5th Period: 6th Grade Math
Topic for the Week: Division of Fractions
Monday Reciprocals/Dividing fractions Txbk pg 120, 10-25
Tuesday Dividing mixed numbers Txtbk pg 130 7-21(odd),
Wednesday Problem solving - recipes Study guide pg 134-135 (all)
Thursday Study Guide and review, pg 136-137 Study for Chapter 2 test
Friday Chapter 2 test Correct test errors
6th Period: Geometry
Topic for the Week: Aleks
Monday AIMS testing
Tuesday Aleks, reassign computers (new computer added)
Wednesday Aleks
Thursday Aleks
Friday Aleks, check on progress