Beginning of Quarter 3!
We did it! We made it through the first semester! The second semester begins!
Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
World History Middle School
Monday – The Roman Empire (textbook pages 336 to 341); (Students will read, define all terms, answer reading check questions, answer map skills questions on page 337, answer think critically questions on page 338, complete section 1 assessment questions on page 341.)
Tuesday – Roman Culture and Its Legacy (textbook pages 342 to 347); (Students will read, define all terms, answer reading check questions, and complete section 2 assessment questions on page 347)
Wednesday – Origins of Christianity (textbook pages 348 to 353); (Students will read, define all terms, answer reading check questions, answer map skills questions on page 352, and complete section 3 assessment questions on page 353)
Thursday – Decline of the Roman Empire (textbook pages 360 to 365); (Students will read, define all terms, answer reading check questions, answer map skills questions on page 364, and complete section 5 assessment questions on page 365)
Friday – NO SCHOOL
American History Middle School
Monday – Historian’s Apprentice (As a class, students will read the primary source documents and complete the nine questions on pages 272 to 275)
HW: If unfinished, complete Historian’s Apprentice (nine primary source questions on pages 272 to 275)
Tuesday – Washington Takes Office (textbook pages 282 to 287) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading checkpoint questions, and section 1 check your progress questions 1 & 2 on page 287)
Wednesday – Birth of Political Parties (textbook pages 290 to 293) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading checkpoint questions, complete the reading charts skills activity questions on page 291, and complete section 2 check your progress questions 1 & 2 on page 293)
Thursday – Troubles at Home and Abroad (textbook pages 294 to 297) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading checkpoint questions, complete the primary sources skills activity questions on page 296, and complete section 3 check your progress questions 1 & 2 on page 297)
Friday – NO SCHOOL
World History High School
Monday – Crisis of the 3rd Century; Marcus Aurelius (Students will watch videos and class will discuss)
Tuesday – The Rise & Fall of the Byzantine Empire (Students will watch video and class will discuss) and Byzantine Empire (textbook pages 222 to 228) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading check questions, map questions on page 223 & 224, skills practice questions on page 225, analyzing primary sources question on page 227, and section 1 review questions 3 & 4)
Wednesday – (Continue) Byzantine Empire (textbook pages 222 to 228) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading check questions, map questions on page 223 & 224, skills practice questions on page 225, analyzing primary sources question on page 227, and section 1 review questions 3 & 4)
Thursday – Quiz (Byzantine Empire)
Friday – NO SCHOOL
American History High School
Monday – Effects of the New Deal (textbook pages 492 to 501) (Complete short essay: How Did the New Deal Expand the Role of Government in America? - 400 to 600 words)
HW: Finish Essay
Tuesday – Culture of the 1930s (textbook pages 502 to 507) (Complete short essay: Discuss the cultural trends in music, radio, literature, and movies – 400 to 600 words)
HW: Finish Essay
Wednesday – Chapter 15 Assessment (textbook pages 510 & 511)
Thursday – Chapter 15 Test (Cumulative Test)
Friday – NO SCHOOL