Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
American History High School
Monday – The Korean War. Students will read pages 598 to 603 in the textbook. Students will define all terms, answer all checkpoint questions, complete questions 2 and 3 in the Map Skills on page 601, complete the Decision Point questions on page 602, and complete questions 4, 5, and 6 in the Section 2 Assessment on page 603. Students must write questions. Everything must be clearly labeled.
Tuesday – The Cold War Expands. Students will read pages 604 to 609 in the textbook. Students will define all terms, answer all checkpoint questions, complete the Chart Skills questions on page 605, complete the Map Skills questions on page 608, and complete questions 4, 5, and 6 in the Section 3 Assessment on page 609. Students must write questions. Everything must be clearly labeled.
Wednesday – NO CLASS. Students will be ASVAB testing.
Thursday – The Cold War at Home. Students will read pages 612 to 619 in the textbook. Students will define all terms, answer all checkpoint questions, complete the Analyzing Political Cartoons questions on page 613, complete the Thinking Critically questions on page 615, and complete questions 4, 5, and 6 in the Section 4 Assessment on page 619. Students must write questions. Everything must be clearly labeled.
Friday – Chapter 18 Review. Review for Chapter 18 Test.
World History High School
Monday – Central Europe in the Age of Absolutism. Students will individual read pages 465 to 469 in the textbook. Students will complete worksheet provided by the teacher.
Tuesday – The English Monarchy. Students will individually read pages 470 to 473 in the textbook. Students will complete worksheet provided by the teacher. (Students on the Honor Roll Field Trip are excused from the written assignment but they must read the pages in order to prepare for the test on Thursday).
Wednesday – Age of Absolutism Review. Review for Age of Absolutism Test (pages 454 to 473 in the textbook). Students taking the ASVAB are excused from completing the review questions.
Thursday – Age of Absolutism Test. Based on pages 454 to 473 in the textbook.
Friday – Civil War & Revolution. Class will read and discuss pages 478 to 482 in the textbook, as well as watch several video clips on the English Civil War. Students will answer questions asked by teacher.
English High School
Monday – Narrative Picture Essay. Teacher will show students a picture. Students will write a 1000-to-1500 word narrative essay based on this picture.
Tuesday – Narrative Picture Essay. Teacher will show students a picture. Students will write a 1000-to-1500 word narrative essay based on this picture. (Continued)
Homework: Complete Narrative Picture Essay (if not finished in class).
Wednesday – Vocabulary Review. Students will answer questions written on slide show.
Thursday – Vocabulary Test. Cumulative test on vocabulary words.
Friday – Grammar Activity. Students will complete worksheet on prepositional phrases and conjunctions.
American History Middle School
Monday – Ideas Behind the Constitution, Structure of the Constitution, & Principles of the Constitution. Class will read and discuss pages 252 to 257 in the textbook. Students will define all terms and complete the Assessment questions on pages 253, 255, and 257. Students must write questions.
Tuesday – How the Federal Government Works: Legislative, Executive, & Judicial Branches. Class will read and discuss pages 258 to 263 in the textbook. Students will define all terms and complete the Assessment questions on pages 259, 261, and 263. Students must write questions. (Students on Honor Roll Field Trip are excused from the class assignment but they must read pages in order to be prepared for the test).
Wednesday – Amending the Constitution & The First Amendment. Class will read and discuss pages 264 to 267 in the textbook. Students will define all terms and complete the Assessment questions on pages 265 and 267. Students must write questions.
Thursday – State and Local Government & The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship. Class will read and discuss pages 268 to 271 in the textbook. Students will define all terms and complete the Assessment questions on pages 269 and 271. Students must write questions.
Friday – Constitution & Citizenship Review. Students will complete the Notetaking Study Guides on pages 107, 110, and 113 in the workbook.
Homework: Study for Constitution & Citizenship Test on Monday.