6th grade:
Monday: Vocabulary Quiz
Tuesday: Write down new words and definitions
Wednesday: Begin Chapter 12 Review (Parts of Speech) Diagnostic pages 346
Thursday: Chapter 12, Cont. The Verb, the adverb, the preposition and the Conjunction pages: 347-364.
Friday: The Interjection p. 366 and Review for Monday's Test (Voc., and Chapter 12)
VOCABULARY WORDS: incident-issue
7th grade:
Monday: Vocabulary Quiz
Tuesday: Write down new words and definitions
Wednesday: Begin Chapter 12 Review (Parts of Speech) Diagnostics pages 370-371
Thursday: Chapter 12, Cont., The Verb, adverb, conjunction, pages: 371-391
Friday: Interjection, pages: 391-392 and Review for Monday's Test (Voc, and Chapter 12)
VOCABULARY WORDS: optical-persuasion
8th grade:
Monday: Vocabulary Quiz
Tuesday: Write down new words and definitions for next week
Wednesday: Begin Chapter 12 Review (Diagnostics pages 370)
Thursday: Chapter 12 Cont., The Verb, the adverb, conjunction, pages: 371-389)
Friday: Interjection, pages 391 and Review for Monday's Test: Voc. words of the week and Chapter 12.
VOCABULARY WORDS: from obituary to photogenic
9th/10th grades:
Monday: Finish researching and writing your Persuasive Speech
Tuesday: Begin research on Black History Month.
Wednesday: Deliver speech in class and turn in your copy.
Thursday: Grammar, Parts of Speech and Discussion about Black History Month
Friday: Grammar Review. Test on Monday
11/12th grades:
Monday: Presentation of your Shakespeare's Play (Synopsis)
Tuesday: Presentation of your Analysis (Play)
Wednesday: Presentations of all the Plays, Continuation
Thursday: Test (Shakespeare's themes)
Friday: Black History Month Discussion and Analysis Test (Items from Shakespeare's Plays and Black History Month)