3rd Period: 8th Grade Math/Pre-Algebra
Topic for the Week: Geometry: Angle Measurement/Triangles/Pythagorean Theorem
Monday Geometry (part 1) packet, angle measurement Prac. 2.2, page 27-29
Tuesday Finding measure of triangles HW Bklt, 6-3B, pg 111
Wednesday FSA Writing- No class NA
Thursday Interior Angles, Polygons/Pythagorean Theorem TBD
Friday Cont. Polygons/Pythagorean Theorem NA
4th Period: 7th Grade Math
Topic for the Week: Geometry (Volume/Surface Area), Angles/Lines
Monday Volume and area Packet Mathskills4kids Complete packet
Tuesday Surface Area, Nets and 3-dimensional shapes Worksheet
Wednesday Volume and SA of Composite Figures Take Home Test
Thursday Angles and Lines, Intro Geometry (part 1) wksht
Friday Angles and Lines
5th Period: 6th Grade Math
Topic for the Week: Addition/Subtraction, Multiplication/Division Equations/Inequalities
Monday Distributive Property/Add and Sub Equations Spectrum page 86
Tuesday Check Add/Sub; Introduce Multiply/Divide Equa. Spectrum p87 (7-9)
Wednesday Problem Solving with Equations, pg 90 Spectrum page 91
Thursday Solving Inequalities, page 92 Spectrum page 93
Friday Test - Equations and Inequalities
6th Period: Geometry/STEM
Monday Geometry: Aleks Lab
Tuesday STEM : Building Bridges
Wednesday Geometry: Aleks (in lab)
Thursday STEM: Coding on Computers
Friday Geometry: Ms. Rick’s assignments