Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Monday – Mixed Economies, Part 1 (Continued). PowerPoint Presentation on Mixed Economies. Students will listen, read slides, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Tuesday – Mixed Economies, Part 2. PowerPoint Presentation on Mixed Economies. Students will listen, read slides, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Wednesday – Mixed Economies, Part 2 (Continued). PowerPoint Presentation on Mixed Economies. Students will listen, read slides, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Thursday – Brain Bowl Review. Review game and study activity for the Mixed Economies unit. Students are expected to listen, answer questions on PowerPoint slides, and participate with their team.
Friday – Mixed Economies Test. Test on the Mixed Economies unit. Early finishers should review, read quietly, or work on an assignment for another class.
High School English
Monday - Vocabulary Quiz #3. Quiz on Vocabulary List #3. Brain Bowl Vocabulary Review. Review game for vocabulary units 1 through 3 in preparation for a Vocabulary Test on Friday.
Tuesday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. What is something that brings you happiness and why? Direct Objects & Indirect Objects #1. Teacher will review the mini-lesson. Class will work though the first half of the worksheet together. Students will complete the second half of the worksheet independently.
Wednesday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. Name one thing that you would change about yourself. Grammar Quiz #1. Students will identify the subject, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases in sentences.
Thursday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? Brain Bowl Vocabulary Review. Review game for vocabulary units 1 through 3 in preparation for a Vocabulary Test on Friday.
Friday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. How do you handle confrontation? Vocabulary Test #1. Test on the first three vocabulary lists.
8th Grade English
Monday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? Main Idea & Supporting Details. Class will work together to complete pages 6 to 10 in the LAFS book. Students will finish any unfinished pages for homework.
HW: Read through chapter 5 in Lord of the Flies by Thursday. Review grammar worksheets for Grammar Quiz #1 on Friday.
Tuesday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. What is something that brings you happiness and why? Lord of the Flies Discussion Questions. Class will discuss questions of significance from the first four chapter of Lord of the Flies in their discussion groups and will share with the whole class. Students are expected to actively participate and follow discussion rules.
Wednesday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. Name one thing that you would change about yourself. Lord of the Flies, Sustained Silent Reading. Students will read chapter 5 in the Lord of the Flies book. If they have already finished chapter 5, they can read chapter 6.
Thursday – Lord of the Flies, Chapter 4 & 5 Quiz. Quiz on Chapters 4 & 5 of Lord of the Flies. Direct Objects & Indirect Objects #1. Teacher will review the mini-lesson. Class will work though the first half of the worksheet together. Students will complete the second half of the worksheet independently.
Friday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. How do you handle confrontation? Grammar Quiz #1. Students will identify the subject, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases in sentences.
8th Grade American History
Monday – Lost Colony of Roanoke (Continued). PowerPoint Presentation on England’s first attempt to set up a colony in North America. Students will listen, read slides, watch video clips, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Tuesday – Jamestown. PowerPoint Presentation on the England’s first successful colony in North America. Students will listen, read slides, watch video clips, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Wednesday – Jamestown (Continued). PowerPoint Presentation on the England’s first successful colony in North America. Students will listen, read slides, watch video clips, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Thursday – Brain Bowl Review. Review game and study activity for the Jamestown unit. Students are expected to listen, answer questions on PowerPoint slides, and participate with their team.
Friday – Jamestown Test. Test on the Jamestown unit. Early finishers should review, read quietly, or work on an assignment for another class.