Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Monday – Centrally Planned Economies (Continued). PowerPoint Presentation on command economies. Students will listen, read slides, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Tuesday – Brain Bowl Review. Review game and study activity for the Centrally Planned Economies unit. Students are expected to listen, answer questions on PowerPoint slides, and participate with their team.
Wednesday – Centrally Planned Economies Test. Test on the Centrally Planned Economies unit. Early finishers should review, read quietly, or work on an assignment for another class.
Thursday – Mixed Economies, Part 1. PowerPoint Presentation on Mixed Economies. Students will listen, read slides, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Friday – Mixed Economies, Part 1 (Continued). PowerPoint Presentation on Mixed Economies. Students will listen, read slides, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
High School English
Monday – (Teacher will return writing journals & Picture Writing Outlines). Seven Minute Writing Prompt. You are going to interview your favorite movie star, singer, or athlete. Make a list of ten interview questions that you are going to ask them. Vocabulary List #3. Students will receive Vocabulary List #3 and class will review. Vocabulary Sentences. Students will write each of the vocabulary words (from Vocabulary List #3) in a sentence with context clues demonstrating their understanding of the vocabulary term.
Homework: Picture Creative Writing Story. Students should begin working on their Picture Creative Writing Story which will be due on Friday.
Tuesday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. What are some thing you can do to improve your attitude? Picture Creative Writing Story. Using the outline they have completed, students will write a 1000 to 2000 word story on the image provided.
Wednesday – Picture Creative Writing Story. Using the outline they have completed, students will write a 1000 to 2000 word story on the image provided.
Thursday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. Who would you throw a surprise birthday party for and why? Prepositions & Prepositional Phrases 1. Teacher will review the mini-lesson. Class will work though the first half of the worksheet together. Students will complete the second half of the worksheet independently.
8th Grade English
Monday – (Teacher will return writing journals). Seven Minute Writing Prompt. What are some thing you can do to improve your attitude? Lord of the Flies Chapter 2, Guided Reading Questions. Students will independently complete the guided reading questions from Chapter 2 of Lord of the Flies. Lord of the Flies, Chapter 3. Students will independently read Chapter 3 in Lord of the Flies.
Tuesday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. Who would you throw a surprise birthday party for and why? Prepositions & Prepositional Phrases 1. Teacher will review the mini-lesson. Class will work though the first half of the worksheet together. Students will complete the second half of the worksheet independently.
Wednesday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. What do you think some of the benefits of writing in a journal every day are? Lord of the Flies, Chapter 3. Students will independently read Chapter 3 of Lord of the Flies. (If students finish early, they can begin reading Chapter 4 of Lord of the Flies.)
Homework: Students must be finished with Chapter 3 in Lord of the Flies by Thursday.
Thursday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. How do you think ancient people would act if they were brought to our time? Lord of the Flies Quiz, Chapter 2 & 3. Quiz on Chapters 2 & 3 in Lord of the Flies. The Writing Process. Class will complete pages 5 & 6 in the Spectrum Writing workbook. When finished, students will tear out the pages and turn in.
Homework: Students must be finished with Chapter 4 in Lord of the Flies by Monday.
Friday – Seven Minute Writing Prompt. If you found a magical portal to take you anywhere, where would you go? Audience. Class will work together to review and complete page 7 in the Spectrum Writing workbook. Students will independently complete page 8. When finished, students will tear out the pages and turn in.
8th Grade American History
Monday – Brain Bowl Review. Review game and study activity for the Traditions of Government unit. Students are expected to listen, answer questions on PowerPoint slides, and participate with their team.
Tuesday – Traditions of Government Test. Test on Traditions of Government unit. Life in the Colonies. Students will complete pages 47 to 49 in the workbook.
Wednesday – Lost Colony of Roanoke. PowerPoint Presentation on England’s first attempt to set up a colony in North America. Students will listen, read slides, watch video clips, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Thursday – Lost Colony of Roanoke (Continued). PowerPoint Presentation on England’s first attempt to set up a colony in North America. Students will listen, read slides, watch video clips, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Friday – Enrichment Activity.