Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Monday – PowerPoint: Centrally Planned Economies (Teacher will lecture and discuss. Students will verbally answer teacher-directed questions, write answers to questions written on slides, and watch and discuss videos.) (Continued)
Tuesday – PowerPoint: Centrally Planned Economies (Teacher will lecture and discuss. Students will verbally answer teacher-directed questions, write answers to questions written on slides, and watch and discuss videos.) (Continued)
Wednesday – Brain Bowl: Centrally Planned Economies
Thursday – Quiz: Centrally Planned Economies
Friday – Enrichment Activity
English Honors
Monday – Assign textbooks. Historical background to English Literature (page 18 - 26). Students will answer teacher-directed questions on a loose-leaf piece of paper.
Tuesday - Historical background to English Literature (page 18 - 26). Students will answer teacher-directed questions on a loose-leaf piece of paper. (Continued)
HW: Finish reading pages 18 – 26 in the textbook. (Whatever we didn’t finish in class.)
Wednesday – Characteristics of an Epic and Introduction to Beowulf pages (28 – 31).
HW: Define all terms in the vocabulary preview. (Due Wednesday)
Thursday – Class will read Chapter 7 in the “Lord of the Flies” together and students will answer guided reading questions provided by teacher.
HW: Students will finish reading Chapter 7 in the “Lord of the Flies” if we do not finish in class.
Friday – Combination Quiz on Lord of the Flies Chapters 5 – 7, Historical Background to English Literature, Vocabulary Terms, and Characteristics of an Epic. After finishing the quiz, students will silently read Chapter 8 in Lord of the Flies.
HW: Students will finish reading Chapter 8 in the “Lord of the Flies” if we do not finish in class.
8th Grade American History
Monday – Colonial Rivalry in North America Quiz (Students who finish early should read a book or work on something for another class.)
Tuesday – PowerPoint: Traditions of Government (Teacher will lecture and discuss. Students will verbally answer teacher-directed questions, write answers to questions written on slides, and watch and discuss videos.)
Wednesday – PowerPoint: Traditions of Government (Teacher will lecture and discuss. Students will verbally answer teacher-directed questions, write answers to questions written on slides, and watch and discuss videos.) (Continued)
Thursday – PowerPoint: Traditions of Government (Teacher will lecture and discuss. Students will verbally answer teacher-directed questions, write answers to questions written on slides, and watch and discuss videos.)
Friday – BrainBowl #3: Traditions of Government
Monday – Create Your Own Character Activity.
Tuesday – Elements of Drama PowerPoint Presentation. Students will take notes, define, terms, and answer questions.
Wednesday – No Class.
Thursday – Student will practice a dialogue (provided by the teacher) with their partner.
Friday – Students will act out the dialogue in front of the class.