Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Monday – Chapter 5 & 6 Review. Class will continue to review Chapters 5 & 6.
Tuesday – Chapter 5 & 6 Test.
Wednesday – Introduction to Chapter 7 “The Electoral Process.” Elections. Class will read and review textbook pages 193 to 199. Students will answer teacher-directed questions.
Thursday – Money and Elections. Class will read and review textbook pages 201 to 208. Students will answer teacher-directed questions.
Friday – Money and Elections. Class will read and review textbook pages 201 to 208. Students will answer teacher-directed questions. (Continued)
English Honors
Monday – Christmas Storms and Sunshine. Students will read pages 873 to 882 in the textbook. Students will make a reader’s notebook, noting the cause and effect of emotional responses in the story. Students will complete the Thinking Through Literature questions (1-7) on page 883.
Tuesday – Vocabulary List. Students will receive this week’s vocabulary list and will write the vocabulary words in sentences with context clues demonstrating their understanding of the words.
Wednesday – A Modest Proposal. Students will read pages 612 to 619 in the textbook, keeping a reader’s notebook with statements made and their reactions to them. Students will complete the Thinking Through Literature questions on page 620.
Thursday – Creative Essay. Students will complete a to-be-determined creative essay.
Friday – Vocabulary Test. Students will continue to work on their creative essay after finishing their test.
8th Grade American History
Monday – Chapter 9 Review. Class will finish reviewing Chapter 9.
Tuesday – Chapter 9 Test.
Wednesday – Introduction to Chapter 10. Building a National Identity. Class will read and review textbook pages 310 to 313. Students will create fifteen questions from the reading and answer them.
Thursday – Dealing with Other Nations. Class will read and review textbook pages 345 to 348. Students will define all terms, answer checkpoint questions, and complete the Check Your Progress questions on page 348.
Friday – The Age of Jackson. Students will independently read textbook pages 349 to 354 and complete questions on worksheet provided by teacher.