Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Monday – Review Activity. The class will review for the test on the Investment unit. Students will answer questions directed by the teacher.
Tuesday – Investment Test. Test on the Investment unit.
Wednesday – Gross Domestic Product. Class will read and review pages 295 to 298 in the handout. Students will define all terms, answer all checkpoint questions, and answer the assessment questions on page 252.
Thursday – Business Cycles. Class will read and review pages 299 to 307 in the handout. Students will define all terms, answer all checkpoint questions, and answer the assessment questions on page 252.
Friday – Enrichment Activity.
High School English
Monday – Vocabulary List #10. Students will receive Vocabulary List #10 and class will review. Vocabulary Story #4. Students will write a 25 sentence story about a King who is overthrown by an ambitious jester. 18 of the sentences will contain one of the vocabulary words.
Tuesday – Lord of the Flies, Chapter 2 (Continued). The class will read Lord of the Flies, Chapter 2. Students will participate in class discussion and answer questions posed by the teacher.
Wednesday – Lord of the Flies, Chapter 2 (Continued). The class will read Lord of the Flies, Chapter 2. Students will participate in class discussion and answer questions posed by the teacher.
Homework: Students will finish reading Chapter 2 in Lord of the Flies.
Thursday – Lord of the Flies, Chapter 3. The class will read Lord of the Flies, Chapter 2. Students will participate in class discussion and answer questions posed by the teacher.
8th Grade English
Monday – Vocabulary List #4. Students will receive Vocabulary List #4. Students will write each of the vocabulary words in a sentence with context clues demonstrating their understanding of the vocabulary word.
Tuesday – What is the Horror Genre? Students will complete the Engage Your Brain activity on page 82. The class will read pages 85 to 89 together. Students will complete the Assessment Practice on page 89 and the Analyze the Text on page 90.
Wednesday – The Tell-Tale Heart. Students will complete the Engage Your Brain activity on page 94. The class will read pages 97 to 102. Students will complete the Assessment Practice on page 103 and the Analyze the Text on page 104.
Thursday – The Monkey’s Paw. Students will complete the Engage Your Brain activity on page 109. The class will read pages 112 to 124 together. Students will complete the Assessment Practice on page 125 and the Analyze the Text on page 126.
Friday – Vocabulary Quiz #4. Quiz on Vocabulary List #4. The Monkey’s Paw (Continued). Students will complete the Engage Your Brain activity on page 109. The class will read pages 112 to 124 together. Students will complete the Assessment Practice on page 125 and the Analyze the Text on page 126.
8th Grade American History
Monday – Brain Bowl. Review Activity for the French & Indian War unit.
Tuesday – French & Indian War Test. Test on the French & Indian War unit.
Wednesday - Road to Revolution, Part 1. PowerPoint Presentation on the Road to Revolution unit. Students will answer questions on PowerPoint slides, participate in class discussion, and answer questions directed by the teacher.
Thursday – Road to Revolution, Part 2. PowerPoint Presentation on the Road to Revolution unit. Students will answer questions on PowerPoint slides, participate in class discussion, watch videos, and answer questions directed by the teacher.
Friday – Road to Revolution, Part 2 (Continued). PowerPoint Presentation on the Road to Revolution unit. Students will answer questions on PowerPoint slides, participate in class discussion, watch videos, and answer questions directed by the teacher.