Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Monday – Modern Banking & Investment. Introduction to the modern banking and investment unit. Students will listen, take notes, and answer teacher-directed questions.
Tuesday – The Function of Modern Banks. Class will read and review pages 255 to 262 in the handout. Students will define all terms, answer all checkpoint questions, and answer the assessment questions on page 252.
Wednesday – Investing. Class will read and review pages 263 to 269 in the handout. Students will define all terms, answer all checkpoint questions, and answer the assessment questions on page 252.
Thursday – Investment Portfolio Activity. Students will complete a worksheet in which they create an imaginary investment portfolio over several years and explain their investment decisions.
Friday – Modern Banking & Investment Test. Test on the Modern Banking & Investment unit.
High School English
Monday – Vocabulary List #9. Students will receive Vocabulary List #3 and class will review. Vocabulary Sentences #9. Students will write a sentence including each vocabulary word with context clues demonstrating their understanding of the word.
Tuesday – Lord of the Flies. Teacher will introduce book, and class will begin reading chapter one. Students will answer questions posed by teacher and participate in class discussion.
Wednesday – Lord of the Flies. Class will continue reading chapter one in Lord of the Flies. Students will answer questions posed by teacher and participate in class discussion.
Homework: Students must finish reading chapter one in Lord of the Flies.
Thursday – Lord of the Flies, Chapter One Quiz. Quiz on Chapter One of Lord of the Flies. FAST Practice Activity. Students will complete worksheet provided by teacher.
8th Grade English
Monday – The Automation Paradox. Students will complete pre-reading activity on page 37. Class will read pages 40 to 44 in the textbook. Students will define all vocabulary terms. Students will complete the Assessment Practice on page 45. Students will complete the Analyze the Text assignment on page 46.
Tuesday – Heads Up, Humans. Class will read pages 53 to 56 in the textbook. Students will define all terms. Students will complete the Assessment Practice on 57. Students will complete the Analyze the Text assignment on page 58.
Wednesday – FAST Practice Activity. Students will complete worksheet provided by teacher.
Thursday – Vocabulary Review. Class will play a game reviewing the vocabulary words from vocabulary lists one through three.
Friday – Vocabulary Test #1. Cumulative test on vocabulary lists one through three.
8th Grade American History
Monday – French & Indian War. PowerPoint Presentation on the French & Indian War. Students will listen, read slides, watch video clips, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Tuesday – French & Indian War. (Continued) PowerPoint Presentation on the French & Indian War. Students will listen, read slides, watch video clips, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Wednesday – French & Indian War. (Continued) PowerPoint Presentation on the French & Indian War. Students will listen, read slides, watch video clips, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Thursday – Brain Bowl Review. Review activity for the French & Indian War unit.
Friday – French & Indian War Test. Test on the French & Indian War unit.