Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Monday – Labor Force. Class will read and review. the section on the Labor Force in the handout and complete the questions on the worksheet provided.
Tuesday – Labor & Wages. Class will read the section on Labor & Wages in the handout and complete the questions on the worksheet provided.
Wednesday – Labor Unions. Class will read the section on Labor Unions in the handout and complete the questions on the worksheet provided.
Thursday – Test Review. Review for the test on the Labor unit.
Friday – Labor Test. Test on the Labor unit.
High School English
Monday – Lord of the Flies Island Survival Challenge. In preparation for reading the book Lord of the Flies, class will complete the Lord of the Flies Island Survival Challenge in groups.
Tuesday – Lord of the Flies Island Survival Challenge (continued). In preparation for reading the book Lord of the Flies, class will complete the Lord of the Flies Island Survival Challenge in groups.
Wednesday – Brain Bowl Review. Class will play a review game on the first 6 vocabulary units. Students will actively participate and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Thursday – FAST Review. Teacher will review the directions for the FAST Expository and FAST Argumentative Essay, as well as important concepts. Students will answer teacher-directed questions.
Friday – Vocabulary Test #2. Test on Vocabulary Lists 1 through 6.
8th Grade English
Monday – Lord of the Flies Chapter 12 Guided Reading Questions Worksheet. Class will discuss the ending of Lord of the Flies and students will complete a worksheet with guided reading questions.
Tuesday – Vocabulary List #1. Students will receive Vocabulary List #1 and class will review. Vocabulary List #1. Students will write vocabulary words from Vocabulary List #1 in complete sentences with context clues which demonstrate their understanding of the vocabulary term. (Students will turn in their Lord of the Flies books.)
Wednesday – FAST Review. Teacher will review the directions for the FAST Expository and FAST Argumentative Essay, as well as important concepts. Students will answer teacher-directed questions.
Thursday – The Monkey’s Paw. Class will begin reading the Monkey’s Paw on pages 112 to 124 in the textbook.
Friday – Vocabulary Quiz #1. Quiz on Vocabulary List #1. The Monkey’s Paw (continued). Class will continue reading the Monkey’s Paw on pages 112 to 124 in the textbook.
8th Grade American History
Monday – Brain Bowl Review. Review game and study activity for the New England Colonies unit. Students are expected to listen, answer questions on PowerPoint slides, and participate with their team.
Tuesday – New England Colonies Test. Test on the New England Colonies unit. The New England Colonies. Students will complete pages 33 through 35 in the workbook.
Wednesday – Middle Colonies. PowerPoint Presentation on the Middle Colonies. Students will listen, read slides, watch video clips, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Thursday – Middle Colonies (continued). PowerPoint Presentation on the Middle Colonies. Students will listen, read slides, watch video clips, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Friday – Middle Colonies (continued). PowerPoint Presentation on the Middle Colonies. Students will listen, read slides, watch video clips, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.