Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Monday – Semester Exam Review. Class will review key concepts learned over the course of the semester to prepare for the Semester exam on Tuesday.
Tuesday – Semester Exam. Cumulative exam on concepts learned over the course of the semester.
Wednesday – Economics Brain Bowl Championship. Students will form teams of three and compete to test their economics knowledge.
Thursday – Economics Brain Bowl Championship. Students will form teams of three and compete to test their economics knowledge.
Friday – NO SCHOOL
High School English
Monday – Semester Exam Review. Class will review vocabulary, grammar, and rules of writing in preparation for Semester Exam on Tuesday.
Tuesday – Semester Exam. Cumulative exam on concepts learned over the course of the semester.
Wednesday – Lord of the Flies, Chapter 7. The class will read Lord of the Flies, Chapter 7. Students will participate in class discussion and answer questions posed by the teacher. Absent students will read the chapter independently and write 7 higher order thinking questions and answers about the text.
Thursday – Lord of the Flies, Chapter 8. The class will read Lord of the Flies, Chapter 8. Students will participate in class discussion and answer questions posed by the teacher. Absent students will read the chapter independently and write 7 higher order thinking questions and answers about the text.
Friday – NO SCHOOL
8th Grade English
Monday – Vocabulary List #5 Questions. Students will receive Vocabulary List #5. They will complete a worksheet with questions critically examining and applying the vocabulary words.
Tuesday – Spirit Walking in the Tundra. Students will complete the Engage Your Brain pre-reading activity on page 220. Class will read the story on pages 223 and 224 together. Class will review the Assessment Practice on page 225 together. Students will independently complete the Analyze the Text questions on page 226.
Wednesday – Imagery Poem. Students will use the place they selected for the Engage Your Brain activity on page 220 to write a 150 to 250 word poem about that makes use of sensory language to paint a picture of the place that appeals to the senses of the reader.
Friday – NO SCHOOL
8th Grade American History
Monday – American Revolution, Part 1B. PowerPoint Presentation on the American Revolution unit. Students will answer questions on PowerPoint slides, participate in class discussion, and answer questions directed by the teacher.
Tuesday – American Revolution, Part 1B. PowerPoint Presentation on the American Revolution unit. Students will answer questions on PowerPoint slides, participate in class discussion, and answer questions directed by the teacher.
Wednesday – Brain Bowl (American Revolution, Part 1). Review game for the first half of the American Revolution unit.
Thursday – American Revolution, Part 1 Test. Test on the first half of the American Revolution unit.
Friday – NO SCHOOL