Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Monday – Basic Concepts of Democracy. Class will read and review pages 20 to 24 in the textbook. Students will answer the following questions… 1) Explain the meaning of the Winston Churchill quote on page 24. 2) List the 5 principles (according to your textbook) on which democracy rests. 3) Explain what the textbook means when it says, “at various times…the welfare of one or a few individuals is subordinated to the interests of the many in a democracy.” Give examples. 4) What two things does the democratic concept of equality mean? 5) Explain the concept of majority rule, minority rights. 6) Explain why compromise is important in a democracy. 7) Explain the quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes on the bottom of page 22. 8) According to the textbook, democratic governments have to strike a fine line between liberty and authority. Explain why. 9) Define citizen. 10) List 2 duties and 2 responsibilities of a citizen. 11) What is the free enterprise system? What factors is it based on? 12) List two reasons why the American government intervenes in the economy. 13) Give three examples of ways the American government intervenes in the economy.
Tuesday – Basic Concepts of Democracy (Continued). Class will read and review pages 20 to 24 in the textbook. Students will answer the following questions… 1) Explain the meaning of the Winston Churchill quote on page 24. 2) List the 5 principles (according to your textbook) on which democracy rests. 3) Explain what the textbook means when it says, “at various times…the welfare of one or a few individuals is subordinated to the interests of the many in a democracy.” Give examples. 4) What two things does the democratic concept of equality mean? 5) Explain the concept of majority rule, minority rights. 6) Explain why compromise is important in a democracy. 7) Explain the quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes on the bottom of page 22. 8) According to the textbook, democratic governments have to strike a fine line between liberty and authority. Explain why. 9) Define citizen. 10) List 2 duties and 2 responsibilities of a citizen. 11) What is the free enterprise system? What factors is it based on? 12) List two reasons why the American government intervenes in the economy. 13) Give three examples of ways the American government intervenes in the economy.
Wednesday – Chapter 1 Assessment. Students will complete the Chapter 1 Assessment on page 26, questions 1 through 10. Students must write questions.
Thursday – Independent Study / Make-up Work. Most of the class will be taking their PM ELA FAST Test. Students in class can use the time to study for Chapter 1 Test or to work on any missing assignments.
Friday – Principles of Government Test. Test on Chapter 1.
High School English
Monday – Vocabulary Sentences List 12. Students will receive Vocabulary List 12 and will write a sentence for each term, with context clues demonstrating their understanding of the word.
Tuesday – Picture Writing Story Outline. Students will create an outline for the short story they will write on the picture provided by the teacher.
Wednesday – Picture Writing Story. Using their outline as a guide, students will write a 1000-to-2000-word short story based on the picture provided by the teacher.
Thursday – Picture Writing Story (Continued). Using their outline as a guide, students will write a 1000-to-2000-word short story based on the picture provided by the teacher.
Friday – Vocabulary Quiz 12. Quiz on Vocabulary List 12.
8th Grade English
Monday – Vocabulary Sentences List 7. Students will receive Vocabulary List 7 and will write a sentence for each term, with context clues demonstrating their understanding of the word.
Tuesday – Picture Writing Story Outline. Students will create an outline for the short story they will write on the picture provided by the teacher.
Wednesday – NO CLASS (PM ELA FAST Test)
Thursday – O Captain! My Captain! Students will do the Engage Your Brain reading activity “Best Captain Ever” on page 290. Class will read and discuss pages 291 to 294. Class will complete and discuss the Assessment Practice on page 295. Students will complete the Analyze the Text questions on page 296.
Friday – Vocabulary Quiz 7. Quiz on Vocabulary List 7.
8th Grade American History
Monday – American Revolution, Part 2B. PowerPoint Presentation on part 2 of the American Revolution unit. Students will answer questions on PowerPoint slides, participate in class discussion, and answer questions directed by the teacher.
Tuesday – American Revolution, Part 2B (Continued). PowerPoint Presentation on part 2 of the American Revolution unit. Students will answer questions on PowerPoint slides, participate in class discussion, and answer questions directed by the teacher.
Wednesday – Brain Bowl (American Revolution, Part 2). Review game for the second half of the American Revolution unit.
Thursday – American Revolution, Part 2 Test. Test on the second half of the American Revolution unit.
Friday – Enrichment Activity.