***Please check this regularly throughout the week as I update/change things as we move forward****
1st Period: Geometry Monday: Introduction to Transformation: Translation (L2-4)
--> HW due Wednesday: Odds on Translations worksheet handed out to class
Tuesday: Finish Translation notes (Review HW)
Wednesday: Collect HW // Reflection Notes (x- and y- axis)
--> HW due Friday Reflection WS: #1,4,11,13,15,16
Thursday: Rotation Notes
--> HW due Monday: Rotation WS #1,3,7,9,11,13
Friday: Collect HW // Review for Quiz next week
QUIZ next Tuesday on L2-3 and 2-4
2nd Period: Biology
Tuesday: Ch 3 Test
Wednesday: Ch 4.1 slides and activity
Thursday: Ch 4.2 slides and worksheet
Friday: Ch4 group activity
Ch 4 Test Next Tuesday
3rd Period: Algebra I
Monday: Algebra Quiz L1-4 and L1-5
--> HW Due Wednesday: Pg 55#2,4,10,14,15,18,19 (7 problems)
Tuesday: L1-6 Rearranging Formulas Examples #11, EX 3, // Algebra Quiz Group corrections
Wednesday: Review HW // L1-6 Ex 5&6 CW#23
HW due Friday: Pg 55-57#8,16,24,27,28,34,39 (7 probloems)
Thursday: Continue Group corrections // CW Binder check
Friday: Module 1 Review
Module 1 Test Next Monday
4th Period: Personal Finance
Monday: Finishing touches on Credit Card Project
Tuesday: Start of the Credit Card Presentation
Wednesday: Finish Credit Card Presentation
Thursday: Wrapping up Credit
Friday: Loans
5th Period: EMR Monday: Practice Medical Scenario 1: Heart Attack
Tuesday: Trauma Rubric
Wednesday: Vitals Practice // Shock Management // Trauma Practice if time allows
Thursday: Chest Wounds // Vitals Practice
Friday: Bleeding Control
7th Period: Research Monday: Algebra and geometry review
Tuesday: ALEKS // geometry review
Wednesday: No Class
Thursday: Algebra and Geometry review
Friday: Geometry and Algebra Review